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Monica Mittag

Monica Mittag (nee von Orelli) was born in Switzerland and now lives in Germany with her husband. She is a professional Interpreter.

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Monica writes:  Born as the second daughter to parents working full-time for Moral Re-Armement in 1949 I have grown up in a family which numbered anywhere between 4 and 16 or more. There was no regular income. What we needed was provided by friends who were convinced that what my parents were doing was needed. Some gave money to pay for the rent, one friend who did not have any to spare came regularly to clean instead. 

After basic schooling I, too, worked full-time for MRA. After my mother had a car accident which left her handicapped while my father was in hospital being treated for a rare type of leukaemia, I came home and looked after them and the flat. A friend of many years one day offered to take my place which meant I could start studying interpreting. I had done that at the MRA conference centre at Caux, Switzerland but my studies proved that there was a lot more to it. After that, I worked in my profession. In 1983, after my wedding with Folker Mittag, I moved to Germany and worked there. Folker’s job meant a lot of travelling. In the most difficult year, he was away on business on 250 days. Yet with God’s help, we managed to keep our marriage together. Now that we have both retired, we enjoy every day we can spend together. Unfortunately, my sister, Marianne, died unexpectedly three years ago. I often miss her.

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