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Bodleian Library

The Bodleian Libraries in Oxford form the largest UK university library system.

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The Bodleian Libraries form the largest UK university library system, with more than 13 million printed items, 80,000 e-journals and outstanding special collections.

The complete archives of the Oxford Group/MRA/IofC in the UK are housed there as a 'special collection'. You can see a catalogue of some (not all) of what they are holding at this link, or directly as a PDF file.

For more information about the Library and how to gain access, visit the Library's website.

Physical copies available in this location

Song: 'Poor man, Rich man'
One of the first 'classics' of the Oxford Group: 'Some thoughts on inclusive personal work'.
One of the first 'classics' of the Oxford Group: 'Some thoughts on inclusive personal work'.
One of the first 'classics' of the Oxford Group: 'Some thoughts on inclusive personal work'.
One of the first 'classics' of the Oxford Group: 'Some thoughts on inclusive personal work'.
Stories from Southern Africa in 1977.
Farrar Vickers 1882-1977, the story of a family business with ethics at its heart.
Place location
Oxford, UK
Place location
Oxford, UK