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Lundby Gård archives

The archives of For A New World in Sweden are housed in Sigtuna, in Lundby Gård property.


The archives of For A New World in Sweden are housed in Stockholm County, Sweden, on the property of Lundby Gård.

Lundby Gård is located about 40km north of the center of Stockholm and is run by Gunnar Söderlund & Sylvie Söderlund.

Contact information

Address: Lundby 325, 19592, Märsta, Sweden


Tel: +46 (0)8 59148033

Physical copies available in this location

An American who worked with Buchman for many years tells his story.
A virtuosic odyssey into one man’s purgatory for redemption from the political sins of his grandfather.
Just an ordinary Swedish girl. 'I come from Lapland. I used to go to school on skis.'
Den skakande upplevelsen av en världsbrand hade inte hindrat mänskligheten från att hjälplöst störta mot en ny.
An insight into Bill Jaeger and the passion for the world which motivated him.
Artists contend that it is possible to renew society itself.
Sudanese experience, when North and South dialogue went beyond talk
Stories of Australians creating change
The story of a major Norwegian writer, journalist and resistant to the Nazi occupation.
Paulo Marchettis notes on working in Italy 1951-1970
L’ étonnante aventure d’un fils de banquier genevois, plongé dans le milieu ouvrier.
Rhodesia's transition to Zimbabwe, through the eyes of a privileged actor in the process.
"Nu är vi bröder" handlar om ett förtryckt folks vardagskamp för frihet och rättvisa.
Nordic MRA periodical in Swedish
Stolpes kamp mot Nazimen, Leva för andra är räddningen, Det började i Schwarzwald, De blev fria i fånglägren


Place location
Stockholm, Sweden
Place location
Stockholm, Sweden