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Arkiv for kantonen Vaud

Arkivene til kantonen Vaud inneholder alle arkiver fra historien til Caux.

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Arkivene til kantonen Vaud huser arkivene fra historien til Caux.

Den fullstendige indeksen over Caux-arkivene i Vaud Cantonal Archives er tilgjengelig i ordsøkbar PDF . Indeksversjon datert: 29.03.2022

For mer informasjon om arkivet, besøk deres hjemmeside .

Fysiske kopier tilgjengelig på dette stedet

Contributions from a medical conference in Caux in 1978
'Recipes and reminisceneces from Brodick Castle to Bangalore'
A collection of stories and poems, 'for children of every age'.
Birthday of Frank Buchman
Booklet outlining this short-lived college project launched in 1950
The Colwells performing 'The Caux Song' in Caux
"so that the Christmas story may become real for people everywhere"
A Christmas story for children of all ages.
Musical inspired by the life of Mary McLeod
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