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Arkiv for kantonen Vaud

Arkivene til kantonen Vaud inneholder alle arkiver fra historien til Caux.

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Arkivene til kantonen Vaud huser arkivene fra historien til Caux.

Den fullstendige indeksen over Caux-arkivene i Vaud Cantonal Archives er tilgjengelig i ordsøkbar PDF . Indeksversjon datert: 29.03.2022

For mer informasjon om arkivet, besøk deres hjemmeside .

Fysiske kopier tilgjengelig på dette stedet

Sibnath Banerjee on MRA financing
Discussion on the play "Dictator's slippers"
"Anything to Declare?" report on Asian tour
Song for Robert Schuman and more songs
Change comes with a price
Colwells on how it was before they changed.
Indians and Pakistanis on their relationsship
Morning Session. Is true democracy possible?
Dr. Frank Buchman at send-off for two leading Laotians
MRA Programme Radio Nacional del Peru
Prime Minister Kishi, July 26 11a.m.
Challenge to Switzerland: a new society worldwide.
Winter conference; Douglas Cook
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