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You can count on us

Fighting for the moral and ideological backbone of the army in Congo
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English version of "On peut compter sur Nous." WAS NOT DIGITIZED
General Mobutu explains what is the mission of the Congolese army: to prevent conflicts between opposing groups, and establish unity on the basis of moral criteria, for the good of all and to the advantage of no one.
Display and parade of army forces in the city-center of Leopoldville before General Mobutu, which gives confidence to the population (voice-over).
Head of para-commandos speaks (sync) and says that in order to give newly independent Congo a good way to go, it needs good soldiers. In order to be a good soldier, one has to have a weapon in the hand, a good idea in the head, and a good passion in the heart: "Frank Buchman said it".
Groups of para-commandos sing and march in front of officers. Various shots of para commandos training in the field.
9min:35sec : Para-commandos have prepared a theatre play to teach their colleagues "ideological war" : Enemies of the country come and give "weak" soldiers women, money, alcohol or hemp to smoke. A communist agent takes notes on how soldiers can be corrupted. After that 3 "good" soldiers come, are offered hemp, women, money and alcohol but refuse to be corrupted.
12min : 30sec: an officer says that he's been sent to a conference in Caux, Switzerland to participate in an MRA conference, where he meets a Chinese General who tells how Chinese communist soldiers and officers would win a battle by using "moral weaknesses" of the enemy, offering them more money and higher ranks in the troops.
14mins : On June 30th, 1961, Congo celebrates its 1st anniversary of independence . Several shots of military parades in front of head of state.
In order to raise morality in the Congolese army, the film "Freedom" has been shown in all the centres of the national army, dubbed into Lingala which is spoken by all soldiers. (excerpt of film "Freedom" watched by Congolese people). /
19min : 45sec : Colwell Brothers sing "Vive le Congo".



Moral Re-Armament
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Moral Re-Armament
Sted hvor originalt snitt ble tatt
Not established
Publiseringstillatelse refererer til rettighetene til FANW til å publisere hele videoinnholdet til denne filmen på denne nettsiden.