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Lundby Gård archives

The archives of For A New World in Sweden are housed in Sigtuna, in Lundby Gård property.

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The archives of For A New World in Sweden are housed in Stockholm County, Sweden, on the property of Lundby Gård.

Lundby Gård is located about 40km north of the center of Stockholm and is run by Gunnar Söderlund & Sylvie Söderlund.

Contact information

Address: Lundby 325, 19592, Märsta, Sweden

E-mail: info@lundbygard.com

Tel: +46 (0)8 59148033

Physical copies available in this location

‘Many people seek a faith; many others would like to find more reality and effectiveness in the faith they have.'
En artikkel gitt i Caux i 1998
Den här sidan saknar för tillfället en sammanfattning
Des l'abord, Frank Buchman surprenait, du fait même qu'il n'avait rien de surprenant.
Study notes for Garth Lean's biography of Frank Buchman
Foreword by Sir Lynden Massey
Den første store biografien om Frank Buchman, den amerikanske lutherske ministeren som startet MRA.
Det fanns en hemlighet i Frank Buchmans liv. Nu måste världen få veta den.
Den här sidan saknar för tillfället en sammanfattning
'Love needs truth to remain alive'.
'Only a change in men’s own motives and living can bring hope for a truly peaceful co-operation between the nations.’
Launched in 1964 as “The Friends of Westminster Theatre”, it's aim was to support the plays at the theatre
En pjäs författad av afrikaner från Syd-Afrika, Nigeria, Guldkusten och Ost-Afrika.


Velg sted
Stockholm, Sweden
Velg sted
Stockholm, Sweden