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Archief van het kanton Vaud

Het Archief van het Kanton Vaud herbergt alle archieven uit de geschiedenis van Caux.

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Het Archief van het Kanton Vaud herbergt de archieven uit de geschiedenis van Caux.

De volledige index van de archieven van Caux in het Kantonnale Archief van Vaud is beschikbaar in doorzoekbare PDF. Index versie gedateerd: 29.03.2022

Voor meer informatie over het Archief, bezoek hun website.

Physieke exemplaren beschikbaar op deze locatie

Moscow olympics, boycott not enough
World assembly of MRA in Australia on the rich and the poor
Scandinavia listens to Southern Africans
What happen to a nation that do not have sufficient people who are prepared to be responsible
Revolutionary program in Peru
Zimbabwe, time to come back after Mugabe Robert's victory
Peru, from Elder stateman to Barriados
Indian answer for British industry
Sweden challenge of world's poor
The second edition of Victory Sparre's book ' The flame in the darkness'
A feature on what you can do when you feel tired
World peace can never be achieved while poverty and starvation continue
A talk with a group of young people of different races from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Swaziland
Chief Gatsha Buthelezi welcomes the film 'Freedom' in South Africa
Time for the long term in USA
Politics is about motives, vision, aims, the depth of thinking and planning
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