Afbeeldingen Deze pagina bestaat in: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filter op Titel Personen op de foto Filters Maker Picture number Type afbeelding Cartoon Landschapsfoto Groepsfoto Schilderij Portret foto Toon alle soorten Toon minder soorten Paginataal English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Toon alle talen Toon minder talen Tijdsperiode Minimaal Maximaal Sorteren op Sorteren op Datum toegevoegd AscDatum toegevoegd BeschrijvingDatum genomen AscDatum genomen BeschrijvingTitel AscTitel Beschrijving Created with Lunacy Raster Created with Lunacy Lijst 3547 resultaten Portret foto English English Joy Newman 2024 Portret foto Portrait outside of Joy Newman 2024 English English Portret foto English English Mère Hortense Berthet, Switzerland Schepper Onbekend 2000 Portret foto Mère Hortense Berthet, Switzerland Schepper Onbekend 2000 English English Groepsfoto English English Premiere of The Forgotten Factor in 1946 in t... Schepper Onbekend 1946 Groepsfoto Premiere of "The Forgotten Factor" ... Schepper Onbekend 1946 English English Groepsfoto English English North American Delegation In Moutier Schepper Onbekend 1978 The group is mainly from Canada. They were invited to go and meet people in Moutier, a Bernese city where there was conflict with the Jura canton. Groepsfoto North American Delegation In Moutier Schepper Onbekend 1978 English English Groepsfoto English English Arrival of a coach from Bristol to a conferen... Schepper Onbekend 1974 Groepsfoto Arrival of a coach from Bristol Schepper Onbekend 1974 English English Groepsfoto English English Dusseldorf workers visit Caux in 1948 Schepper Onbekend 1948 Groepsfoto Dusseldorf workers visit Caux in 1948 Schepper Onbekend 1948 English English Groepsfoto English English Seenator Alexander Wiley of Wisconsin Schepper Onbekend 1952 MORAL RE-ARMAMENT WALD ASSEMBLY, CAUX, 1952 Senator Alexander Wiley of Wisconsin (centre) senior Republican member of the American Senate Foreign Relations Committee, with his wife and Mr. Richard Are... Groepsfoto Seenator Alexander Wiley of Wisconsin Schepper Onbekend 1952 English English Groepsfoto English English French teachers attending an education confer... Jan Franzon Groepsfoto French teachers attending an education confer... Jan Franzon English English Groepsfoto English English A South African delegation welcomed by the ch... Schepper Onbekend 1971 In the centre, with the white stick: Dr. William Nkomo Groepsfoto A South African delegation welcomed by the ch... Schepper Onbekend 1971 English English Groepsfoto English English Members of the Clergy conference held in Caux... Lars Rengfelt 1970 Groepsfoto Members of the Clergy conference Lars Rengfelt 1970 English English Groepsfoto English English The President of the Swiss farmers union, Fri... Jan Franzon Groepsfoto The President of the Swiss farmers union Jan Franzon English English Groepsfoto English English Participants to the 1969 Education conference Jan Franzon 1969 Groepsfoto Participants to the 1969 Education conference Jan Franzon 1969 English English Portret foto English English Douglas Cornell Schepper Onbekend 1965 Portret foto Douglas Cornell Schepper Onbekend 1965 English English Portret foto English English Marie-Josephe Sublet Schepper Onbekend 1988 Portret foto Marie-Josephe Sublet Schepper Onbekend 1988 English English Portret foto English English Denise Wood Michael Blundell 1940 Portret foto Denise Wood Michael Blundell 1940 English English Groepsfoto English English Senator Mundt attends The "Forgotten Fac... Schepper Onbekend 1947 The Forgotten Factor is shown in the Caux theatre. The audience part has been raised, making the place a proper theatre compared with what it was a year earlier. Groepsfoto Senator Mundt attends The "Forgotten Fac... Schepper Onbekend 1947 English English Groepsfoto English English Mr. Johann Böhm, Second President, Austrian… Schepper Onbekend 1947 Groepsfoto Mr. Johann Böhm, Second President, Austrian P... Schepper Onbekend 1947 English English Groepsfoto English English French delegation arriving in Geneva airport Schepper Onbekend 1948 Groepsfoto French delegation arriving in Geneva airport Schepper Onbekend 1948 English English Groepsfoto English English Mr. Cedric Mayadas, Director of Agriculture,… Schepper Onbekend 1946 Groepsfoto Mr. Cedric Mayadas, Director of Agriculture, ... Schepper Onbekend 1946 English English Groepsfoto English English Crown Prince of Ethiopia Danielle Maillefer 1971 Groepsfoto Crown Prince of Ethiopia Danielle Maillefer 1971 English English Bekijk meer (van 3547)