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Archief van het kanton Vaud

Het Archief van het Kanton Vaud herbergt alle archieven uit de geschiedenis van Caux.

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Het Archief van het Kanton Vaud herbergt de archieven uit de geschiedenis van Caux.

De volledige index van de archieven van Caux in het Kantonnale Archief van Vaud is beschikbaar in doorzoekbare PDF. Index versie gedateerd: 29.03.2022

Voor meer informatie over het Archief, bezoek hun website.

Physieke exemplaren beschikbaar op deze locatie

Healing the wounds of the past
Reflections on the MRA' values
A feature on the accounting for the intangibles
The opening of a 'Dialogue of understanding' between North-East India and the rest of the country
A feature on the wrong and indecent behaviour at Christmas day
The celebration of the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther's birth which coincided with the century of solidarity
A talk with a Swedish clergyman Bror Jonzon and his wife on their work with Moral Re-Armament
A talk with Alberto Monge, President of Costa Rica, on constructive dialogue, justice and equal treatment,...
The Netherlands has the highest unemployment rate within the European Economic Community
Bringing hope at a critical hope
Public meeting about the impact of Moral Re-Armament on their personal and family life
MRA in Asia with the theme of significance of Asia and beyond: 'From conflict to reconciliation and unity'
The comments on the power of forgiveness in politics after Pope John Paul visited his would-be assassin
A talk with Argentine Minister of foreign affairs on surveying the problems confronting his country
Schools must rethink about the greatest need for young people to be educated in the art of reconciliation
Giving the children the armour of faith
What to do in order to end turbulent days in Britain
A hope that shines through the 80s in Norway
The launching of the book 'Now I call him brother' by Alec Smith
Richmond conference for unity in diversity
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