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The London Times

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Are we turning the world upside down?
Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and MP Ann Widdecombe write in The Times in relation to the Clean Slate Campaign
The tendency towards spiritual dictatorship, spiritual communism and movements in the political field, seems worthy of praise.
Libby Purves writes in The Times in relation to the Clean Slate Campaign of which she was a patron
'I went to a house party. I experienced and saw unmistakable signs of the presence of the Spirit of God.'
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Finances of the Teams
The inner workings of the Oxford Group.
'Like all movements of the Spirit it is faced by misrepresentation and scorn.'
Impression of the Oxford Group movement by Foss Calcutta, son of Bishop Foss Westcott
The Oxford Group comes to London after time in Canada
So far the movement added one more illustration of religious phenomenon which has been intermittent throughout Christian history




United Kingdom