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Félix Lisiecki

Tribute to Félix Lisiecki

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Félix Lisiecki

Michel Orphelin informed us that Félix Lisiecki passed away on January 28 in his 85th year.

In 1972, the Catholic Chapel of Caux resounded for the first time with the music of an "Oratorio for our Time" written by Felix Lisiecki on a text by Françoise Caubel-Chauchat. This work has been performed more than 60 times, and on three continents. It has inspired thousands of singers, and I will never forget the concert given in 1978 in Freudenstadt in the Black Forest, in which my parish choir from Lausanne participated.

I also remember with emotion my trip to Rome in 1997 with a dozen people to join the French choir and sing the Oratorio in the Church of Saint-Louis des Français. Félix

Félix Lisiecki, of Polish origin, was a worker in Pas-de-Calais before studying music. A trumpet player in a jazz band, he then taught music for about thirty years. He also writes songs for his students and puts on plays; With his wife Ginette, they will have four children, Sylvie, Philippe, Marie and Claire who are all gifted for music. Music was omnipresent during the funeral ceremony, with Marie and Claire on the violin and piano, excerpts from "L'Oratorio" and jazz to accompany the exit from the church.

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