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For A Change Magazine: Volume 19 Number 06

'Living with Change': the theme of this very last issue of the print version of For A Change

'Living with Change' was the theme of this very last issue of the print version of For A Change. Highlights include a Lead Story on the challenges of climate change; the experience of a family firm managing director, striving to cope with change; and a Guest Column by Mohamed Sahnoun, until recently Kofi Annan's special envoy to the Horn of Africa.

When her brother died, Terry O'Leary was left without money, without a job and without a home.
A, Be, See (En)
The message of the Golden Rule--treat others as we would like to be treated.
A new film, The Imam and the Pastor, which tells the story of a remarkable peacemaking partnership.
When the whole context in which you've existed changes, what do you do?
WATABARAN, meaning environmental sustainability in Nepali, is a fair-trade company established by Nepalese and Swedish youth.
The world has the resources to respond to climate change, says agricultural climatologist, but we need to get on with it.
Egyptian professor speaks up for Islam's respect for the rational.
Paul Williams has been editing 'Turning Point' in 'For a Change' since it began in 1992.
Stan Hazell looks back over the years since the magazine was launched.
Letting Go (En)
In the yogic tradition, the practice of pratyahara teaches you to let go, through first facing up to your pain and entering into
"I hate change. It makes me edgy, fearful and insecure."
I see no way of achieving daily bread for all without a world trade market which is genuinely open.
If globalisation had a positive face, it would look like the Action for Life (AfL) leadership training programme.
Any history of Initiatives of Change might have a chapter dedicated to three American brothers, the Colwells.
Despair and fear are the enemies of peace.
His dream was to go to Antarctica. Instead he has spent his life challenging totalitarianism, and its aftermath.
Who Cares? (En)
With a name like For A Change the choice of theme for the last lead story was an obvious one: living with change.
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