Fotos Esta página existe em: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filtrar por Título Pessoas na foto Filtros Criador Picture number Tipo de imagem Desenho animado Foto de paisagens Foto grupal Pinturas Retratos Mostrar todos os tipos Mostrar menos tipos Idioma da página English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Mostrar todos os idiomas Mostrar menos idiomas Período de tempo Mínimo Máx Ordenar por Ordenar por Data de adição AscData de adição DescData da tomada AscData da tomada DescTítulo AscTítulo Desc Created with Lunacy Grade Created with Lunacy Listar 1981 resultados Foto grupal English English Hoffnung In Japan, ceremony at the Cenotaph Criador Desconhecido 1960 Mayor Shinzo Hamai of Hiroshima addresses a Moral Re-Armament force of Ruhr miners at a wreath-laying ceremony at the Cenotaph built to mark the spot where the atom bomb exploded in 1945. The Mayor de... Foto grupal Hoffnung In Japan, ceremony at the Cenotaph Criador Desconhecido 1960 English English Foto grupal English English Hoffnung In France, laying a wreath Criador Desconhecido 1959 The German miners bring a wreath to the Mont Valérien, to commemorate the death of 4'500 Frenchmen shot during the occupation of France. Foto grupal Hoffnung In France, laying a wreath Criador Desconhecido 1959 English English Foto grupal English English Hoffnung in France, Germans addressing French at… Criador Desconhecido 1959 Foto grupal Hoffnung in France, Germans addressing French at the Mont Valérien Criador Desconhecido 1959 English English Foto grupal English English Hoffnung in France, Madame Antonioz addresses… Criador Desconhecido 1959 Foto grupal Hoffnung in France, Madame Antonioz addresses German miners Criador Desconhecido 1959 English English Foto grupal English English Hoffnung in Britain, Visit to South Wales coal… Criador Desconhecido 1959 German miners from the Ruhr are welcomed to the coalfields of SouthWales by a Lodge Secretary of the British National Union of Mineworkers(2nd right). The Moral Re-Armament force of Ruhr miners presen... Foto grupal Hoffnung in Britain, Visit to South Wales coal fields Criador Desconhecido 1959 English English Foto grupal English English Hoffnung in Britain, South Wales Criador Desconhecido 1959 FROM BERLIN TO BOWGerman miners invite the engine driver of their train to see the Moral Re-Armament play "Hoffnung" (Hope) in the Poplar Civic Theatre, Tuesday toFriday this week at 7.30pm. Thousands... Foto grupal Hoffnung in Britain, South Wales Criador Desconhecido 1959 English English Retratos English English Hoffnung in Britain, Rhondda Leader article Criador Desconhecido 1959 Retratos Hoffnung in Britain, Rhondda Leader article Criador Desconhecido 1959 English English Foto grupal English English Hoffnung in Italy, Rajmohan Gandhi talks with… Criador Desconhecido 1960 Rajmohan Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, reports toItalian foreign policy experts in the Ministry for Foreign AffairsThey include His Excellency Carmine de Martino (right),Under Secretary for Fore... Foto grupal Hoffnung in Italy, Rajmohan Gandhi talks with Foreign military expert Criador Desconhecido 1960 English English Activity photo English English Hoffnung in Italy, Laying a wreath in Fiesole Criador Desconhecido 1960 The first act of the Ruhr miners on arrival in Florence was to lay a wreath in the Communist controlled mountain town of Fiesole, at the memorial to the Carabinieri shot there by the Germans during th... Activity photo Hoffnung in Italy, Laying a wreath in Fiesole Criador Desconhecido 1960 English English Foto grupal English English Hoffnung in Italy, Miners meeting with German… Criador Desconhecido 1960 His Excellency Count Strachwicz, Ambassador of the FederalRepublic of Germany to the Holy See, speaks with two of the Ruhrminers following the Rome premiere of "Hoffnung" in the greatceremonial hall o... Foto grupal Hoffnung in Italy, Miners meeting with German Ambassador Criador Desconhecido 1960 English English Foto grupal English English Hoffnung in Italy, With the Lord mayor of Milan Criador Desconhecido 1960 The Lord Mayor of Milan thanks the German miners for bringing their MRA play "Hoffnung". A Saragat Socialist, Professor Ferrari tells them at a reception in Milan City Hall, "I know the importance of ... Foto grupal Hoffnung in Italy, With the Lord mayor of Milan Criador Desconhecido 1960 English English Activity photo English English Hoffnung in Italy, In Florence Criador Desconhecido 1960 The German miners leave the famed Palazzo Vecchio,Florence's 700-year-old city hall, after a reception given intheir honour by His Excellency Ponte Falazar, the ItalianGovernment Commissioner who is a... Activity photo Hoffnung in Italy, In Florence Criador Desconhecido 1960 English English Foto grupal English English Hoffnung in Italy, with the Mayor of Fiesole Criador Desconhecido 1960 In the presence of officers and men of the Carabinieri and the police MayorIgnesti , Nenni Socialist head of Communistcontrolled Fiesole near Florence, talks with the German minersbefore they laid a w... Foto grupal Hoffnung in Italy, with the Mayor of Fiesole Criador Desconhecido 1960 English English Foto grupal English English French students meet in Caux Criador Desconhecido 1974 Noelle Marillier, Marie-Françoise Girard and from behind Véronique Barbey (Gigand) on the terrace of Caux Foto grupal French students meet in Caux Criador Desconhecido 1974 English English Foto grupal English English Laure family in Berlin Criador Desconhecido 1948 Three members of the Laure family in front of the Brandenbourg Gate in Berlin. Foto grupal Laure family in Berlin Criador Desconhecido 1948 English English Retratos English English Beni Utzinger Criador Desconhecido 1960 Retratos Beni Utzinger Criador Desconhecido 1960 English English Foto grupal English English "World family of MRA", photo call,… Criador Desconhecido 1947 The whole assembly met on the lawn for this photo on the first of August 1947 (Swiss national day)4th row middle, Frank Buchman Foto grupal "World family of MRA", photo call, Caux, August 1947 Criador Desconhecido 1947 English English Retratos English English Seamus Graham Criador Desconhecido Seamus Graham, Duke of Montrose Retratos Seamus Graham, Duke of Montrose Criador Desconhecido English English Retratos English English Professor Wladimir Zelinski from Russia Criador Desconhecido 1989 Professor Wladimir Zelinski from Russia attending conference in Caux in 1989 Retratos Professor Wladimir Zelinski from Russia Criador Desconhecido 1989 English English Retratos English English K.M.Cherian from Kerala Criador Desconhecido Retratos K.M.Cherian from Kerala Criador Desconhecido English English Ver mais (de 1981)