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Архивы кантона Во

В архиве кантона Во хранятся все архивы по истории Ко.

Эта страница была автоматически переведена.

В архиве кантона Во хранятся архивы по истории города Ко.

Полный указатель архивов Ко в архиве кантона Во доступен в формате PDF с возможностью поиска по словам. Версия индекса датирована: 29.03.2022

Для получения дополнительной информации об архиве посетите его сайт.

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В НАЛИЧИИ имеется 3419 элементов
A message of support from Caux to the women 'peace campainers' in Northern Irland
Rhodesians reach across the colour line
A feature on the seminar on the theme:'Rich and poor nations-ways to close the gap'
A feature on South Africa where they need transformers not conformers
What to do in order to have peace and development in Ireland
The ways for development of the new nation Papua New Guinea
Report on the visit to Gandhiji
On the next tenth anniversary of Asia Plateau
An excerpt from 'If everyine cared' showing that it is not the colour of one's skin that matters but its character
Student President apologises to Governor-General in Fiji
A feature on forgiveness could be militant force
A feature on Middle East surprise
Look in on families in Holland
Aboriginal Senator's challenge in Australia
Indian conference to extend frontiers of democracy
Agriculture for tomorrow's world
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