Статьи Эта страница существует в: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Фильтровать по Заголовок Автор Фильтры Тип Академическая статья Anecdotes Обзор Презентация Новостной сюжет Мнение Отчет Блог Текст книги Correspondence Пресс-резка Речь Хвалебная речь История Личная история Некролог Транскрипт интервью Miscellaneous Notes Official document Профиль Poem PR material Программа Размышление Training material Показать все типы Показать меньше видов Язык страницы English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Показать все языки Показать меньше языков Имеет текстовый файл Файл (field_file) ДА Временной период От Мин Макс Сортировать по Сортировать по Дата Добавлена по возрастаниюДата Добавлена ОписаниеЗаголовок по возрастаниюЗаголовок Описание Created with Lunacy Сетка Created with Lunacy Список 3161 результатов Статья Пресс-резка English English The Oxford Group Movement 1933 'People do not belong to us. We have no members, no organisation. Our aim is to revitalize religion,' said Frank Buchman. Статья Пресс-резка The Oxford Group Movement 1933 English English Статья Пресс-резка English English The Oxford Group - Duty of Bearing Witness 1932 The Group came with no harsh criticism of the Church. Статья Пресс-резка The Oxford Group - Duty of Bearing Witness 1932 English English Статья Пресс-резка English English Moral Rearmament Campaign in City 1952 International and local Moral Rearmament group returns to Eastern Cape, South Africa. Статья Пресс-резка Moral Rearmament Campaign in City 1952 English English Статья Пресс-резка English English The Oxford Group - Revivals in Progress 1932 Growing out of the needs of our own generation, it has helped many people discover real religion for the first time. Статья Пресс-резка The Oxford Group - Revivals in Progress 1932 English English Статья Пресс-резка English English Moral Rearming Defended 1953 General Secretary of Mineworker's Union said, 'Moral Rearmament has done for my union what no other force could have achieved.' Статья Пресс-резка Moral Rearming Defended 1953 English English Статья Пресс-резка English English Materialism the danger - Chief 1974 Materialism and unwillingness to share could be the 'lightning that would set Africa ablaze.' Статья Пресс-резка Materialism the danger - Chief 1974 English English Статья Пресс-резка English English Springbok Stampede Sparkles 1968 Young South Africans from every walk of life, bounced through the medley of songs with a message. Статья Пресс-резка Springbok Stampede Sparkles 1968 English English Статья Пресс-резка English English Liberty isn't free Roland Kingwill 1989 South African farmer, writes of his personal battle for freedom, justice, fair dealing and respect for human dignity. Статья Пресс-резка Liberty isn't free 1989 Roland Kingwill English English Статья Пресс-резка English English Opposites Found Common Ground Bremer Hofmeyr 1964 P Q Vundla and Nico Ferreira meet. Статья Пресс-резка Opposites Found Common Ground 1964 Bremer Hofmeyr English English Статья Пресс-резка English English Industry a 'Common Ground' 1977 Rhodesia (now known as Zimbabwe) could be a key to the future of the whole African continent. Статья Пресс-резка Industry a 'Common Ground' 1977 English English Статья Пресс-резка English English I was on Hitler's black list Bremer Hofmeyr 1964 Africa will speak to the world, not with a red voice or a yellow voice, but with the voice of unity and humanity. Статья Пресс-резка I was on Hitler's black list 1964 Bremer Hofmeyr English English Статья Пресс-резка English English Dangerous M.R.A. practices 1964 Stress on character alone obscures the underlying fact of family and racial ties, which no one can escape without social injury. Статья Пресс-резка Dangerous M.R.A. practices 1964 English English Статья Пресс-резка English English Musical with a difference 1968 The show is an expression of patriotism and faith the young people have in God. Статья Пресс-резка Musical with a difference 1968 English English Статья Пресс-резка English English Man with mission to stage play 1963 We can create something absolutely new in race relationships on this continent. Статья Пресс-резка Man with mission to stage play 1963 English English Статья Пресс-резка English English Strange Things in Africa Bremer Hofmeyr 1964 New Year. New Aims. Статья Пресс-резка Strange Things in Africa 1964 Bremer Hofmeyr English English Статья Пресс-резка English English "Kerkbode" Criticises M.R.A. Publicity 1953 'We are not keen to see this movement come to our land, particularly along the paths they are now following.' Статья Пресс-резка "Kerkbode" Criticises M.R.A. Publicity 1953 English English Статья Пресс-резка English English Mainly African cast presents play with a message Bremer Hofmeyr 1963 The play 'The Dictator's Slippers' becomes talking point among prisoners. Статья Пресс-резка Mainly African cast presents play with a message 1963 Bremer Hofmeyr English English Статья Пресс-резка English English Dictators Slippers Play of Idealism 1964 Eleven Africans and one white person in same cast in what normally is 'Whites-Only' Opera House. Статья Пресс-резка Dictators Slippers Play of Idealism 1964 English English Статья Пресс-резка English English It is time for the cure Roland Kingwill 1988 It costs nothing to point out what is wrong, but to generate the cure there is a price to pay. Статья Пресс-резка It is time for the cure 1988 Roland Kingwill English English Статья Пресс-резка English English Discipline 1932 Self discipline is far deeper, far more vital, than the maintenance of order under the iron heel. Статья Пресс-резка Discipline 1932 English English Посмотреть больше (из 3161)