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Pretoria News

Daily newspaper in Pretoria, South Africa
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A remarkable sermon by the Rev. Ebenezer Macmillan
"Our main objective is to give democracy a Christian ideology - an answer to the materialist ideologies," said Hofmeyr.
The play has an industrial setting, but has an appeal which is 'as universal as human nature'.
The play has an industrial setting, but has an appeal which is "as universal as human nature," said cast member.
God must be brought into industrial disputes.
A tense drama played out on both sides of Iron Curtain
Participant, Dr Norval said, 'There is only one solution, that is to get back to God, back to reality, back to sanity.'
"There is only one solution, that is to get back to God, back to reality, back to sanity," said Dr Norval.
South Africa