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Buchman 1948 archive

An array of people involved in some way through their contact with Buchman

01'12" : Bill Mackintosh (US pilot who flew the congressional delegation to Switzerland)
01'22" : Buchman welcoming first Japanese PM after the war.
01'56" : Surya and Nelun Sena (musicians from Ceylon)
02'21" : Congressional Committee delegates from the USA
03'04" : Swiss Bundeskanzler Oskar Leimgruber with F. Buchman in Hotel Bellevue, Bern
05'23" : Dr. Max Huber (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Huber_%28statesman%29)
05'29" : right on the shot : Marcel Pilet-Golaz, Foreign Minister of Switzerland
05'38" : Dr. William Reed, music composer from UK
05'45" : Archie Mackenzie, British diplomat
05'57" : Burmese group with Daw Nyein Tha (First Lady on the left, front row)
06'05" : Robert Tilge, France
06'24" : Jack Ely (bald man on left side)
06'30" : Marion Anderson, opera singer from USA
07'00" : Eleanor Butler, Ireland (and behind entering the doorway : Claire Weiss)
08'57" : "The Forgotten Factor" play shown in Bern. Left in the frame is Frits Philips

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Разрешение на публикацию относится к правам FANW на публикацию полного видеоматериала этого фильма на этом сайте.
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Publishing permission
Not established
Разрешение на публикацию относится к правам FANW на публикацию полного видеоматериала этого фильма на этом сайте.