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New City, the magazine of the Focolare movement, profiles Gerald and Judith Henderson

Периодическое издание:
Discovering a plan of love

Under the headline 'Discovering a plan of love', a double-page feature in the November 2009 issue of New City, the monthly magazine of the Focolare movement, profiles Gerald and Judy Henderson from Liverpool, including their life-long association with MRA/Initiatives of Change. The page-three Editor's Notes states: 'The story of the lives of people who decide to dedicate their lives to God always makes for fascinating reading. The story of Judith and Gerald Henderson is no exception, as they share with New City readers their adventure following a divine plan through an international movement, Initiatives of Change. The feature article is accompanied by a two-column photo of Mountain House, Caux, IofC's international logo, and a column describing IofC taken from our international website. 

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