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Nottingham citizens commit to positive change

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Honest conversation in St Ann's, Nottingham.


‘St Ann’s - the best place to live, work, play and socialise.’ This was the focus of an Honest Conversation Dialogue held at the Robin Hood Chase Neighbourhood Centre in the St Ann’s urban district of Nottingham on 20 March, 2010.

It was facilitated by Phoebe Gill, Lawrence Fearon and Sabrina Jantuah from the IofC programme, Hope in the Cities.

The Caribbean, Asian and white British diversity in the area was reflected in the range of participants - local residents from different faiths and cultures as well as refugees and Council and community workers.

They identified a wide range of positives and negatives about the area - key messages that will be fed back to a meeting with local City Councillors. Most of the participants are keen to be part of a local group to take forward the findings from the Dialogue and address other local issues.

They wrote and enveloped personal commitments to bring positive change, in conjunction with networking and united action. These were posted back to them after four weeks, as a reminder of their commitment.

Many of those present are involved in planning for the seventh annual Unity Day in St Ann’s on 17 July, on the theme ‘Holding Hands / Sing St Ann’s’.


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