People from around the world visit MRA centre on Mackinac Island
Ariel shot Mackinac/flags/17secs; planes arriving/28secs; Dr Douglas Cornell, executive officer of the National Academy of Sciences/33secs; Actor Michael Wilding and Muriel Smith/43secs; 4x academy winner Jonny Green and family/50secs; Rajmohan Gandhi met by Mayor of Island/1.10; John Sayre, Rusty Wales, gold medal Olympiads/1.16; Katherine Quinn, wife of Anthony apologizes for effect of Hollywood films/1.26; Chinese delegates/1.35; Gen Hugo Bethlem, former Brazilian Ambassador/1.40; Generals Ramalhoand Santos Brazil/Eudocio Ravines former communist founder of party Peru/1.53; Omar Ibargoyen, Uruguayan rancher, 'the real problem is selfishness'/1.56; Waldemar Agra, Recife port workers, former communist.
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