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Caux meeting, 13 August 1954

Impact of "Jotham Valley" on owner or Fox Theatres across USA. MRA appreciated by Prime Minister of Canada. Personal decisions.
Person(s) in this recording
Фрэнк Бухман, John McGovern, Mrs McGovern
unknown Unidentified man; Marguerite Morrison;

unknown Unidentified Man, UK, Talks about Charles Skouras, who built a Orthodox church in Los Angeles. The Greek national anthem was sung for him. He was so touched by the play "Jotham Valley", that he organised for it to be played in several of his Fox Theatres. Particularly in San Fransisco during the week when the Peace Treaty with Japan was being signed. 5 of the 6 plenipotentiaries there for the signing were in the audience. Frank Buchman, USA, Friends in many cities. In Canada too.Mr Bennett; Prime Minister of Canada remembered a visit of a young man from MRA. Then the story of a man from Calagary who owned a restaurant who after he met MRA started to put turkey in his turkey; Frank Buchman, USA, More on Canada. ; Marguerite Morrison, CAN, Free to be guided. Had so much criticism. Laid it all before Jesus; Frank Buchman, USA, Hear from Mrs MacGovern, UK, From Glasgow. Pleased to have stayed long enough in Caux. Children in Australia; John MacGovern, UK, My wife had to bear many of my struggles: being thrown into prison; etc.

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