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Caux meeting, 19 August 1954

Speakers from the Gold Coast (Ghana) and South Africa
Person(s) in this recording
Bremer Hofmeyr, Tolon Naa Alhaji Yakubu Tali
unknown Unidentified Man; C.E. Baidoo; Frank Prah;

unknown Unidentified Man, Gold Coast, on his country; unknown Unidentified Man, Gold Coast, brother of previous; printer; did the printing for the MRA team; C.E. Baidoo, Gold Coast, Member of Secondi-Takoradi Municipal council. Chairman; CCPWestern region; Frank Prah, Gold Coast, 20 years old; General secretary; government transport Workers union; Bremer Hofmeyr, South Africa, We had the thought; "This is Africa's hour". And we had the thought to start in Lusaka; in Northern Rhodesia; Recalls events at the start of MRA in Rhodesia. Then in Johannesburg; Cape Town. It all started in Italy in 1953; when Buchman asked the team to reflect on what to do in Africa; Alhaji Yakubu Tali Tolon Naa, Gold Coast, President of the Nothern People's Congress of his country. Opposition party.

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