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Caux meeting, 15 July 1954

Frank Buchman in chair. Speakers from South Africa
Person(s) in this recording
Фрэнк Бухман, Manasseh Moerane
George Molefe; Barend Nel; Choir; Mrs Moerane ;

Frank Buchman, USA, Introduces George Molefe; George Molefe, South Africa, Has learned in Caux a spirit of mutual trust and confidence. The 7.30 meetings have been important as people have been sharing honestly about themselves. Caux has slaughtered me; skinned me and put my skin out to dry. ; Frank Buchman, USA, comments on Molefe's complete committment. The men like that in Africa can change Africa; Barend Nel, South Africa, Prof. In Pretoria University. Was overwhelmed by a speech from Naidoo; Choir, sing Kruger song; Frank Buchman, USA, introduces; Mrs Moerane , South Africa, Read "Ideas have legs". Thought running the home was enough. ; Manasseh Moerane, South Africa, Headmaster of Ohlange Institute; Durban; president Federation African Teachers.

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Publishing permission refers to the rights of FANW to publish the full audio recording of this item on this website.
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Publishing permission refers to the rights of FANW to publish the full audio recording of this item on this website.