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MRA Global Consultation, Kenya, November 1994

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An opportunity to reflect on the quality of life we live together as a world team and on the life we offer to the world

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This Consultation provided an opportunity to reflect on the quality of life we live together as a world team and on the life we offer to the world. There was particular focus on life-changing and what we mean by that, and also on the moral standards and their meaning in the modern age. Meeting in Africa provided a unique opportunity to look at the tremendous needs of that continent and also to examine honestly the tendency for a “dependency syndrome” to develop in relation between Africans and those from the developed western world. Among other issues focused were the need to provide greater accessibility to full responsibility for the work of MRA to people in jobs and to women. Questions were also raised about the need to care for the heart of our world work, not least by preparing ourselves spiritually to make the most of the 50th anniversary of Caux in 1996.

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