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For A Change Magazine: Volume 11 Number 4

Australians were shaken by the report of an investigation into the policy of removing Aboriginal children from their families.
When Omnia Marzouk, a consultant paediatrician in Liverpool, visited India, she discovered another side to her history.
Ridha Driss, Chief Editor of the magazine al-Insan (Man), looks at Islam as a European phenomenon. He lives in France.
Cornelius Marivate, South Africa's leading authority on Tsonga literature and folksongs.
Encounters with the Western face of Islam - meeting British Muslims who are fighting back against Islamophobia.
The sixth All-Africa conference for MRA, which took place in Limuru, Kenya, was marked by plain speaking...
It was billed as a conference. It was more an experience.
Dr Franklin Sonn is South Africa's Ambassador to the United States. This article is based on a talk he gave.
Australians are a robust and increasingly diverse people.
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Периодическое издание
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