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For A Change Magazine: Volume 11 Number 5

It's not just the ethereal scenery that brings people from conflict areas to Caux in Switzerland.
The Mayflower that carried the Pilgrim Fathers to religious liberty in America went on her next trip for a load of slaves.
The media in the Balkans, divided on ethnic lines, did 'more damage than weapons'...
A symposium in Ottawa on the responsibilities of artists and writers as champions of human rights.
CCBI has been running for a total of 25 years and has drawn over 6,000 participants from around the world.
Norwegian Resistance veteran Leif Hovelsen travels to Germany to try and make peace with his former Nazi jailer.
Paul Williams attends an inter-generational conversation on ethics for the next century.
After years of decay, Jamaica's capital city has begun to see its heart restored.
Dr Bertrand Piccard, now preparing for his third attempt to fly around the world in a balloon, is a psychiatrist in Lausanne.
Issue language


Периодическое издание
Issue language


Периодическое издание