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Greencoat Place

24 Greencoat Place is the headquarters of IofC in the UK.

Эта страница существует в:

24 Greencoat Place is the headquarters of IofC in the UK. Situated in the heart of London, in Victoria, it offers extensive meeting and office space, as well as some accommodation.

You can read more on the centre's special website.

Physical copies available in this location

В НАЛИЧИИ имеется 340 элементов
"so that the Christmas story may become real for people everywhere"
A Christmas story for children of all ages.
A play in two acts
How a form of travel and communication became one of the most popular sports in the world.
A treasure trove of stories, written by one of the best writers of the movement.
Первая пьеса, написанная Аланом Торнхиллом, новаторское начинание
A Scottish evangelist and scientist who inspired Buchman and many of his friends and followers.
'Simplicity of style and wise insight'
A play set in pre-colonial Africa
Вид местоположения
Место расположения
Greencoat Place, London, UK
Вид местоположения
Место расположения
Greencoat Place, London, UK