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Greencoat Place

24 Greencoat Place is the headquarters of IofC in the UK.

Эта страница существует в:

24 Greencoat Place is the headquarters of IofC in the UK. Situated in the heart of London, in Victoria, it offers extensive meeting and office space, as well as some accommodation.

You can read more on the centre's special website.

Physical copies available in this location

В НАЛИЧИИ имеется 342 элементов
Musical play about the Irish Saint, Columba
See the revised US edition for more information
An academic study by a senior Australian civil servant and policy expert.
'There's only one thing better than hearing Kate Cross talk about the mysteries of cooking...
Honesty is realist - not some pie in the sky vision.
Stories from rural England 1943, including "Back to earth" by Peter Howard on pages 41 to 64.
Vom Leben und Wirken Frank Buchmans
Not a memoir of a completed journey but a story told from the road.
Вид местоположения
Место расположения
Greencoat Place, London, UK
Вид местоположения
Место расположения
Greencoat Place, London, UK