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Lundby Gård archives

The archives of For A New World in Sweden are housed in Sigtuna, in Lundby Gård property.

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The archives of For A New World in Sweden are housed in Stockholm County, Sweden, on the property of Lundby Gård.

Lundby Gård is located about 40km north of the center of Stockholm and is run by Gunnar Söderlund & Sylvie Söderlund.

Contact information

Address: Lundby 325, 19592, Märsta, Sweden

E-mail: info@lundbygard.com

Tel: +46 (0)8 59148033

Physical copies available in this location

В НАЛИЧИИ имеется 727 элементов
Denne siden har ingen oppsummeringer tilgjengelig ennå
Denne siden har ingen oppsummeringer tilgjengelig ennå
A pioneering South African couple tell their story.
A journey of discovery into the past, present and future.
Den här sidan saknar för tillfället en sammanfattning
A booklet of stories from industry of the spirit of MRA at work
Первая книга Говарда о его столкновении с людьми MRA
Pros and cons
An address by Cardinal Franz König
Den här sidan saknar för tillfället en sammanfattning
Irene Prestwich wrote this Memoir at the age of 87. The story of the UK MRA centre.
A story of Malta during World War 2
Вид местоположения
Место расположения
Stockholm, Sweden
Вид местоположения
Место расположения
Stockholm, Sweden