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English English 文章 颂 English English Frank Bygott (1906-1954) 哈里·艾迪生 1954 At Oxford he was a classical scholar and a first-rate oarsman who rowed for his college and came close to winning a Blue. 文章 颂 Frank Bygott (1906-1954) 哈里·艾迪生 English English 文章 个人资料 English English Sri Lanka: Serendipity Under the Sun 1987 If the statement that hate has a million children needed living proof, Sri Lanka could have provided it. 文章 个人资料 Sri Lanka: Serendipity Under the Sun English English 文章 个人资料 English English Liverpool's 'Leading Authority on Chaos' 1987 'Liverpool is a city famous for three things for soccer, for the Beatles and for political chaos.' 文章 个人资料 Liverpool's 'Leading Authority on Chaos' English English 文章 个人资料 English English Pasadena's Long-Distance Runners Margaret Eastman Smith 1987 Four years ago All Saints Episcopal Church asked one of their congregation, Denise Wood, to survey Pasadena's 'quality of life' 文章 个人资料 Pasadena's Long-Distance Runners Margaret Eastman Smith English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Intercity Exchange Steve Dickinson 1987 The city of Richmond, Virginia, is the former capital of the Southern Confederacy. 文章 新闻项目 Intercity Exchange Steve Dickinson English English 文章 新闻项目 English English 'Trust Pays Off' 1988 At his first health service union meeting, former Welsh steel worker Albert Tarling found himself elected branch secretary. 文章 新闻项目 'Trust Pays Off' English English 电影 纪录片 English русский English + 1 For the love of tomorrow (Russian version) 1985 The Reconciliation Experience in Postwar Europe 附加媒体:视频 en 电影 纪录片 附加媒体:视频 For the love of tomorrow (Russian version) 1985 English русский English + 1 文章 新闻项目 English English Beyond tribalism to united action 2012 Somalis discuss how to tackle tribalism with Osman Jama Ali, former Deputy Prime Minister in the Transitional National Govt 文章 新闻项目 Beyond tribalism to united action English English 出版物 杂项出版物 English English The Comradeship of Our Joint Beliefs 查理斯瓦迪 1990 A personal view on the Faiths and the Future 附件媒体: PDF en 出版物 杂项出版物 附件媒体: PDF The Comradeship of Our Joint Beliefs 查理斯瓦迪 English English 文章 个人资料 English English A Whole New Ball Game 1988 One of the two opening batsmen for the Masters in Barbados is Conrad Hunte 文章 个人资料 A Whole New Ball Game English English 文章 感言 English English Footsteps in the Sand 莫汉·巴格万达斯 1988 I was walking with someone I had known for 18 years, but I had never really become his friend. 文章 感言 Footsteps in the Sand 莫汉·巴格万达斯 English English 文章 评论 English English Understanding the Muslim Mind By Rajmohan Gandhi 1988 Rajmohan Gandhi has provided a splendid tour de force of aspects of Muslim, mainly political, thinking. 文章 评论 Understanding the Muslim Mind By Rajmohan Gandhi English English 文章 个人资料 English English Prophet of Justice Margaret Eastman Smith 1988 The Harambee Christian Family Center has really helped to change an attitude. 文章 个人资料 Prophet of Justice Margaret Eastman Smith English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Multicultural Experience Mike Brown 1989 As a country with many recent immigrants, Australia could have valuable experience for the world in the 21st century. 文章 新闻项目 Multicultural Experience Mike Brown English English 文章 报告 English English Which way Africa? 1976 'How long are we going to allow our young blood to destroy each other because we refuse to change?' asked a black South African. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 报告 附件媒体: PDF Which way Africa? English English 文章 剪报 English English To Tour Province 1950 Moral Re-Armament campaign in City 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF To Tour Province English English 文章 剪报 English English MRA centre to 'improve standards' 1978 'Coolmoreen Moral Rearmament Centre is meant to become a meeting place for people of all backgrounds....' 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF MRA centre to 'improve standards' English English 文章 个人资料 English English Cornerstones the Builders Didn't Reject 1990 The company employs, among others, alcoholics, drug-addicts, former prisoners - people who are generally considered unemployable 文章 个人资料 Cornerstones the Builders Didn't Reject English English 文章 感言 English English Citizens Act on Cities 1990 By the year 2000, nearly half the people on earth will live in cities. 文章 感言 Citizens Act on Cities English English 查看更多(共480个)