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What right do we have to differentiate? 附件媒体: PDF 文章 演讲 附件媒体: PDF Healing the Past Building the Future 乔治丹尼尔 1996 English English 文章 报告 English English Visit to South Africa by Rajmohan and Usha Gandhi 1993 Rajmohan Gandhi, speaking to youth, 'Do not judge anyone by his past. What is important is what one builds today and tomorrow.' 附件媒体: PDF 文章 报告 附件媒体: PDF Visit to South Africa by Rajmohan and Usha Gandhi 1993 English English 文章 报告 English English South Africa Visited 1974 The Rt Rev. S.I. Kale of Lagos, Nigeria attended international assembly of Moral Re-Armament in Pretoria. 附件媒体: PDF 文章 报告 附件媒体: PDF South Africa Visited 1974 English English 文章 报告 English English Harambee Africa 1966 All Africa musical broadcast live to the nation from Nairobi City Hall and a show for President Jomo Kenyatta and his family. 附件媒体: PDF 文章 报告 附件媒体: PDF Harambee Africa 1966 English English 文章 报告 English English The Oxford Group in Action in the Summer of 1932 1932 A group of 17 of the Oxford Group team sailed from New York on the Berengaria for Southampton on January 15. 附件媒体: PDF 文章 报告 附件媒体: PDF The Oxford Group in Action in the Summer of 1932 1932 English English 文章 剪报 English English Back to Greatness Gordon Wise 1970 Self-denigration by the British has been almost elevated to a form of art. 附件媒体: PDF 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF Back to Greatness Gordon Wise 1970 English English 文章 剪报 English English South Africa An Intelligent Strategy George Walker 1970 Putting it bluntly, force will never do it. 附件媒体: PDF 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF South Africa An Intelligent Strategy George Walker 1970 English English 文章 剪报 English English A voice from South Africa 威廉·科莫 1970 If you want to give us help, give us help of a moral kind, which will make us strong and adequate leaders. 附件媒体: PDF 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF A voice from South Africa 威廉·科莫 1970 English English 文章 演讲 English English Dr Yusuf Al-Azhari speaking in Cape Town Press Clu... 优素福·爱资哈里 2000 Former Ambassador to the United Nations says, "I have in the past lived both a good, sweet life as well as a horrifying one." 附件媒体: PDF 文章 演讲 附件媒体: PDF Dr Yusuf Al-Azhari speaking in Cape Town Press Clu... 优素福·爱资哈里 2000 English English 文章 面试成绩单 English English Transcript of radio broadcast by Michael Henderson Michael Henderson 1985 Radio broadcast about Saidie Patterson, one of the great women of Ireland. 附件媒体: PDF 文章 面试成绩单 附件媒体: PDF Transcript of radio broadcast by Michael Henderson Michael Henderson 1985 English English 公共媒体 English English Waterfront and Industrial Pioneer An English newspaper in the United Kingdom focussed on industry 公共媒体 Waterfront and Industrial Pioneer English English 文章 剪报 English English Sport Has Wide World Role 1971 Conrad Hunte speaks to students at Australian National University. 附件媒体: PDF 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF Sport Has Wide World Role 1971 English English 文章 剪报 English English The Apartheid Lawbreakers 1980 "I am sorry. I thought I was your superior. I was wrong. Will you join me in being equals," said Bremer Hofmeyr. 附件媒体: PDF 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF The Apartheid Lawbreakers 1980 English English 公共媒体 English English Western Mail A weekly newspaper published in Perth, Western Australia from 1885 to 1955. 公共媒体 Western Mail English English 公共媒体 English English Cincinnati Enquirer The Cincinnati Enquirer is a newspaper that serves Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. It was first published in 1841 and is the only daily newspaper in the region. 公共媒体 Cincinnati Enquirer English English 文章 剪报 English English 'Spiritual Power' Released If U.S. Admitted Mistak... Rob Corcoran 1985 It is very hard to utter the words, 'We are sorry.' 附件媒体: PDF 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF 'Spiritual Power' Released If U.S. Admitted Mistak... Rob Corcoran 1985 English English 公共媒体 English English Richmond Times-Dispatch The Richmond Times-Dispatch is the primary daily newspaper in Richmond, Virginia, and the primary newspaper of record for the state of Virginia. Wikipedia 公共媒体 Richmond Times-Dispatch English English 文章 剪报 English English A ray of hope for the dark continent 1987 Optimism for a country seemingly to the outside world torn apart by racial strife may be hard to understand. 附件媒体: PDF 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF A ray of hope for the dark continent 1987 English English 文章 剪报 English English New Ethics Saves S. Africa Farm Michael Henderson 1986 We sometimes forget that South Africa is not just an issue, it is people, people who are no better or worse than us. 附件媒体: PDF 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF New Ethics Saves S. Africa Farm Michael Henderson 1986 English English 查看更多(共21个)