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Français Français 文章 评论 English English A Gifted Diplomat's Legacy 1999 Fifteen years ago Joseph V Montville described the relatively new concept of citizen diplomacy. 文章 评论 A Gifted Diplomat's Legacy English English 文章 剪报 English English When Prime Ministers peeled potatoes 1949 What a difference a spirit of cooperation would make, said Durban Member of Parliament. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF When Prime Ministers peeled potatoes English English 文章 个人资料 English English Sri Lanka: Serendipity Under the Sun 1987 If the statement that hate has a million children needed living proof, Sri Lanka could have provided it. 文章 个人资料 Sri Lanka: Serendipity Under the Sun English English 文章 意见 English English Following the Steps of History 2002 Today people criticize or, at best, take for granted the existence of the European Union. 文章 意见 Following the Steps of History English English 文章 感言 English English Free Enough to Care 2003 Until now purity had implied rigid restraint to me. But purity through freedom? Purity as freedom? 文章 感言 Free Enough to Care English English 文章 个人资料 English English Sierra Leone's Grassroots Peace-Builders 2003 Building peace in Sierra Leone, after a 10-year-long devastating civil war. 文章 个人资料 Sierra Leone's Grassroots Peace-Builders English English 文章 剪报 English English Moral Re-Armament Team in City 1944 Mr D G Malherbe, Government Mining Engineer said, 'Any organisation which brings opposing factors together should be encouraged' 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF Moral Re-Armament Team in City English English 出版物 书籍 English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 汉语 + 11 我们的澳大利亚土地……在 Myall Creek 找到我们的心 格雷姆科迪纳 2022 一位澳大利亚白人的原住民之旅 附件媒体: PDF zh-hans 出版物 书籍 附件媒体: PDF 我们的澳大利亚土地……在 Myall Creek 找到我们的心 格雷姆科迪纳 English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 汉语 + 11 文章 博客 English English No Inevitable Clash of Civilisations Good to hear that most people don't feel that a clash of civilisations is inevitable. 文章 博客 No Inevitable Clash of Civilisations English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Intercity Exchange Steve Dickinson 1987 The city of Richmond, Virginia, is the former capital of the Southern Confederacy. 文章 新闻项目 Intercity Exchange Steve Dickinson English English 出版物 书籍 Deutsch Deutsch Caux von der "Belle epoque" zur Moralische Aufrüst... 菲利普莫图 1970 «Kennen Sie ein Buch über die Geschichte von Caux?» 附件媒体: PDF de 出版物 书籍 附件媒体: PDF Caux von der "Belle epoque" zur Moralische Aufrüst... 菲利普莫图 Deutsch Deutsch 文章 评论 English English Dialogue in Their Site 约翰邦德 2003 On www.turning-point.ca you will find vigorous, frank, constructive discussion between indigenous and non-indigenous Canadians. 文章 评论 Dialogue in Their Site 约翰邦德 English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Green Shoots of Cooperation in a Multifaith World Paul Williams 2003 Living with other faiths is about being at home in your own religion and learning to be a guest in others. 文章 新闻项目 Green Shoots of Cooperation in a Multifaith World Paul Williams English English 文章 意见 English English After Intervention, What Next? 2003 Rajmohan Gandhi looks at the challenges facing a world where sovereignty is no longer seen as an absolute. 文章 意见 After Intervention, What Next? English English 文章 剪报 English English A Play With A Message: City Performance 1950 The way to happiness in the home and in industry can be gained through mutual respect, tolerance and understanding. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF A Play With A Message: City Performance English English 文章 演讲 Français Français Quelques propos pour éclairer Caux, son histoire e... Antoine Jaulmes 2018 2012-2018 Discours à Caux d'Antoine Jaulmes comme Président de la Fondation de Caux 附件媒体: PDF fr 文章 演讲 附件媒体: PDF Quelques propos pour éclairer Caux, son histoire e... Antoine Jaulmes Français Français 出版物 书籍 English русский English + 1 The Spiritual Vision of Frank Buchman (Russian edi... 菲利普·布拜尔 2017 Russian translation of Philip Boobbyer's book 附件媒体: PDF en 出版物 书籍 附件媒体: PDF The Spiritual Vision of Frank Buchman (Russian edi... 菲利普·布拜尔 English русский English + 1 查看更多(共480个)