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He believed in families. Any person, any marriage, any relationship can be reborn. 文章 书籍文字, 感言 The Past can be Faced and Finished 布赖恩·布拜尔 English English 文章 书籍文字, 感言 English English Friendship at Many Levels 布赖恩·布拜尔 2004 I have a sense that God is operating at all levels of friendship. 文章 书籍文字, 感言 Friendship at Many Levels 布赖恩·布拜尔 English English 文章 书籍文字, 感言 English English 'Speaking for Themselves' - The Churchills 布赖恩·布拜尔 2004 Winston Churchill became Prime Minister in 1940 at the age of 66, having entered public life at the turn of the century. 文章 书籍文字, 感言 'Speaking for Themselves' - The Churchills 布赖恩·布拜尔 English English 文章 颂 English English Kirstie Morrison 布赖恩·布拜尔 2004 A reflection on the life of Kirstie Morrison. 文章 颂 Kirstie Morrison 布赖恩·布拜尔 English English 文章 个人故事 English English From a Bulldozer to a Builder Donald Simpson 1978 Trade unionist Bert Allen: fight for "not who is right, but what’s right". 文章 个人故事 From a Bulldozer to a Builder Donald Simpson English English 出版物 书籍 English English For God's sake, Doctor! 弗朗西斯麦考尔 1984 Headache? Stomach ache? Heart ache? These are not always unrelated. 附件媒体: PDF en 出版物 书籍 附件媒体: PDF For God's sake, Doctor! 弗朗西斯麦考尔 English English 文章 个人故事 English English A Manager of ‘Rolls-Royce’ quality Donald Simpson 1981 Bill Miller: "a first-class engineer who introduced quality control into human relationships." 文章 个人故事 A Manager of ‘Rolls-Royce’ quality Donald Simpson English English 文章 个人故事 English English The wrestler and the stewards Donald Simpson 1981 A case study in management-labour relations from Ford in the UK 文章 个人故事 The wrestler and the stewards Donald Simpson English English 文章 面试成绩单 English English Until all that is left is a brittle shell 2002 Sarah Mayor Cox, 35, tells of her struggle with Post-Natal Depression 文章 面试成绩单 Until all that is left is a brittle shell English English 文章 个人故事, 感言 English English Is Friendship the ultimate Personal Investment Opp... 让·布朗, Jim Coulter 1996 Four personal experiences of friendship 文章 个人故事, 感言 Is Friendship the ultimate Personal Investment Opp... 让·布朗, Jim Coulter English English 文章 讣告 English Español English + 1 Ann-Kristin Thulin-Särnbrink (1944-2021) 冈纳南德隆 2021 ”How do you hold a moon-beam in your hand?” 文章 讣告 Ann-Kristin Thulin-Särnbrink (1944-2021) 冈纳南德隆 English Español English + 1 文章 个人故事 English English Jim Beggs, the wharfie they called ‘Daylight Savin... Donald Simpson 1992 Jim Beggs of the Melbourne Branch of the Waterside Workers of Australia 文章 个人故事 Jim Beggs, the wharfie they called ‘Daylight Savin... Donald Simpson English English 出版物 杂项出版物 English English Ten years of Somali peace-making in diaspora Dr. Ahmed Sharif Abbas, 彼得里德尔 2016 Ten years of the work of the Somali Initiative for Dialogue and Democracy (SIDD), which was established in 2006. 附件媒体: PDF en 出版物 杂项出版物 附件媒体: PDF Ten years of Somali peace-making in diaspora Dr. Ahmed Sharif Abbas, 彼得里德尔 English English 文章 新闻项目 English English British Prime Minister's Interfaith Advisor on Bri... Laura Boobbyer 2006 Tony Blair’s advisor on interfaith matters challenged a packed meeting in London to begin to build bridges ‘where you are’. 文章 新闻项目 British Prime Minister's Interfaith Advisor on Bri... Laura Boobbyer English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Hope in the Cities Dialogues: a 'Useful Tool' in B... 2003 Four activists from Hope in the Cities (HiC), a coalition aiming to improve community relations, addressed a Greencoat Forum. 文章 新闻项目 Hope in the Cities Dialogues: a 'Useful Tool' in B... English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Asian Youth Leaders Focus on Peace-Making 2006 The conference was the 12th in a series of Asia-Pacific Youth Conferences (APYC) convened by IofC since 1990 文章 新闻项目 Asian Youth Leaders Focus on Peace-Making English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Connecting Creators of Peace Circles 苏里德尔 2012 There are on average eight to ten participants in a Peace Circle, which is normally a series of six or seven meetings. 文章 新闻项目 Connecting Creators of Peace Circles 苏里德尔 English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Freedom – our responsibility 2014 Jonathan Jansen, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Free State (UFS), opened a ‘Freedom – Our Responsibility' conference. 文章 新闻项目 Freedom – our responsibility English English 查看更多(共171个)