宗教与灵性 该页面存在于: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 筛选条件 标题 过滤 Content Type 事件 人物 出版物 剧院 地点 基本页面 导览行程 文章 活动 电影 谈话 采集 问题 音乐 显示所有类型 显示较少的类型 原始语言 English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 显示所有语言 显示较少的语言 页面语言 English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 显示所有语言 显示较少的语言 有附加媒体 附件档案 文本 嵌入式音频 音讯 嵌入式视频 视频 排序依据 排序方式 Completeness 升序Completeness 降序Random 升序Random 降序添加日期 升序添加日期 降序标题 升序标题 降序 Created with Lunacy 格子 Created with Lunacy 列表 总共 504 结果 文章 剪报 English English Oxford Group - Impressions: Repressions: Depressio... 1932 Rev Browne, Ottawa writes, "One thing is clear, The Oxford Group Movement defies explanation along academic lines of discussion. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF Oxford Group - Impressions: Repressions: Depressio... English English 文章 剪报 English English Groups Stress Aid of Religion 1933 Two-day Oxford Group gathering takes place at Warren Memorial Presbyterian Church after capacity gathering in hotel. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF Groups Stress Aid of Religion English English 出版物 书籍 English English Beyond Walls - 120 stories from across the world Suresh Khatri 2023 "I see a hint of a wonderful world of the future" 附件媒体: PDF en 出版物 书籍 附件媒体: PDF Beyond Walls - 120 stories from across the world Suresh Khatri English English 出版物 杂项出版物 Français Français Pourquoi? Emil Brunner 1940 Un texte court relatif à l'effort de guerre suisse. 附件媒体: PDF fr 出版物 杂项出版物 附件媒体: PDF Pourquoi? Emil Brunner Français Français 文章 剪报 English English Groups Stress Aid to Religion 1933 Two-day Oxford gathering took place at Warren Memorial Presbyterian Church after capacity meeting at Brown Hotel, London. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF Groups Stress Aid to Religion English English 文章 Correspondence English English The Oxford Group. Bishop of Durham's Comments 1933 So far the movement added one more illustration of religious phenomenon which has been intermittent throughout Christian history 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 Correspondence 附件媒体: PDF The Oxford Group. Bishop of Durham's Comments English English 文章 Correspondence English English Distrust of Self. Dictatorship and Guidance. Two a... 1933 The tendency towards spiritual dictatorship, spiritual communism and movements in the political field, seems worthy of praise. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 Correspondence 附件媒体: PDF Distrust of Self. Dictatorship and Guidance. Two a... English English 文章 Correspondence English English The Oxford Group by Rev Canon A P Gower-Rees, St G... 1933 'It has revived the spiritual faculties, tested the faith and challenged sincerity of professing and non-professing Christians. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 Correspondence 附件媒体: PDF The Oxford Group by Rev Canon A P Gower-Rees, St G... English English 文章 剪报 English English The Oxford Group Assembly Hall Packed 1934 Bishop of Chota-Nagpur spoke as an Ulsterman, long resident in India, and gave his views. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF The Oxford Group Assembly Hall Packed English English 文章 剪报 English English The Oxford Group by The Rev. Canon Allan P. Shatfo... 1933 Few of the thousands attending the meetings had any doubt about its sincerity and reality. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF The Oxford Group by The Rev. Canon Allan P. Shatfo... English English 文章 剪报 English English Great Variety in Opinions of Clergy on Oxford Grou... 1933 Teach nothing but essentials Church has always taught, is contention. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF Great Variety in Opinions of Clergy on Oxford Grou... English English 文章 剪报 English English The Word Of God Through A Dressing Gown 1932 Religion with a dash and courage by Rev. John McConnachie DD. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF The Word Of God Through A Dressing Gown English English 文章 剪报 English English The Holy Spirit At Work 1932 The Oxford Group is capturing the lost radiance of the Christian religion. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF The Holy Spirit At Work English English 文章 剪报 English English New Pilgrims To America 1932 The party is international in its membership and is representative of the Oxford Group Movement. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF New Pilgrims To America English English 文章 剪报 English English Every Man Has His Hero - Mine Is John Wesley 1932 The Oxford Group is Wesleyan in its spirit and in its method. James Douglas. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF Every Man Has His Hero - Mine Is John Wesley English English 文章 剪报 English English For Sinners Only - The Romance of the Life-Changer... 1932 'This is a book about sinners, for sinners, by quite a big sinner.' 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF For Sinners Only - The Romance of the Life-Changer... English English 文章 剪报 English English Oxford Group's "Attack" On London Begun 1933 All classes at the inauguration. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF Oxford Group's "Attack" On London Begun English English 文章 剪报 English English No need or place for a federal solution 1983 'The real need at this stage is for honest talk between the representatives of the Irish and British nations.' Dr George Dallas 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF No need or place for a federal solution English English 文章 剪报 English English The Oxford Group Movement 1932 House Party for 550, young and old, at St Andrews, Scotland, organised by Louden Hamilton. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF The Oxford Group Movement English English 文章 剪报 English English The Oxford Group 1932 The Oxford Group look upon themselves as practicing tenets common to all followers of Christ. 附件媒体: PDF en 文章 剪报 附件媒体: PDF The Oxford Group English English 查看更多(共504个)