宽恕 该页面存在于: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 筛选条件 标题 过滤 Content Type 事件 人物 出版物 剧院 地点 基本页面 导览行程 文章 活动 电影 谈话 采集 问题 音乐 显示所有类型 显示较少的类型 原始语言 English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 显示所有语言 显示较少的语言 页面语言 English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية Français Deutsch русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 显示所有语言 显示较少的语言 有附加媒体 附件档案 文本 嵌入式音频 音讯 嵌入式视频 视频 排序依据 排序方式 Completeness 升序Completeness 降序Random 升序Random 降序添加日期 升序添加日期 降序标题 升序标题 降序 Created with Lunacy 格子 Created with Lunacy 列表 总共 324 结果 文章 English English Christians Atone for the Crusades 1999 For the last three years, western Christians have been retracing the steps of the first Crusaders... 文章 Christians Atone for the Crusades English English 文章 历史 English English No Time Like Now to Forgive Michael Henderson 1999 Nobody said that healing history or treading the path of forgiveness would be easy. 文章 历史 No Time Like Now to Forgive Michael Henderson English English 文章 意见 English English After war, what? 迈克尔·史密斯 1999 'The racism that threatens the world's future'. 文章 意见 After war, what? 迈克尔·史密斯 English English 文章 English English The Last Best Word of the English Language 1999 American author Philip Yancey teaches Susan Corcoran a thing or two about grace. 文章 The Last Best Word of the English Language English English 文章 新闻项目 English Español English + 1 What Happens After You Say Sorry? 约翰邦德 1999 Progress towards healing a deep hurt in the soul of Australia. 文章 新闻项目 What Happens After You Say Sorry? 约翰邦德 English Español English + 1 文章 评论 English Español English + 1 When Neighbours Become Enemies 1999 Michael Ignatieff's recent book on ethnic conflict. 文章 评论 When Neighbours Become Enemies English Español English + 1 文章 English Español English + 1 Can Straight Talking Help the World's Cities? Mike Brown 1999 A week at the MRA international conference centre in Caux, Switzerland, of 'honest conversation' 文章 Can Straight Talking Help the World's Cities? Mike Brown English Español English + 1 文章 English English 'We were Wrong, Wrong, Wrong' Michael Henderson 1999 Veteran American journalist Charles Overby encountered more than he bargained for on a recent trip to West Africa. 文章 'We were Wrong, Wrong, Wrong' Michael Henderson English English 文章 English English A Grandmother's Dandelion Seed Michael Henderson 1999 This bold grandmother compares her latest move - a call for a UN World Day of At-One-Ment - to a dandelion seed. 文章 A Grandmother's Dandelion Seed Michael Henderson English English 文章 English English A Living Memorial 2000 Ordinary people have chosen to know and 'own' the shameful side of Australia's history. 文章 A Living Memorial English English 文章 评论 English English A New Take on Peace and Religion Margaret Tyndale-Biscoe 2000 Margaret Smith finds lessons for peacemakers in a book which looks at conflict resolution through the lens of Jewish tradition. 文章 评论 A New Take on Peace and Religion Margaret Tyndale-Biscoe English English 文章 历史 English English Lebanon Begins to Remember Michael Henderson 2000 This year is the 25th anniversary of the beginning of Lebanon's civil war, and the tenth anniversary of its end. 文章 历史 Lebanon Begins to Remember Michael Henderson English English 文章 English English Apology Comes from Within Michael Henderson 2000 The most productive and radical approach is to address what we can deal with and take responsibility for. 文章 Apology Comes from Within Michael Henderson English English 文章 意见 English Español English + 1 Where Peace Begins 科内利奥·索马鲁加 2001 Dr Cornelio Sommaruga was President of the International Committee of the Red Cross from 1987 to 1999. 文章 意见 Where Peace Begins 科内利奥·索马鲁加 English Español English + 1 文章 个人故事 English English Worshipping at a Different Altar Paul Williams 2001 Tony Reynolds was a high flier until a change of motive led his career into a seeming backwater. 文章 个人故事 Worshipping at a Different Altar Paul Williams English English 文章 个人故事 English English Rebuilding Somalia 玛丽·莱恩 2001 Exiled and in despair, Osman Jama Ali had no idea of the impact an unexpected letter would have on his life. 文章 个人故事 Rebuilding Somalia 玛丽·莱恩 English English 文章 报告 English English The House of Love Has Many Rooms 玛丽·莱恩 2001 Some remarkable companions on the road from fear to love. 文章 报告 The House of Love Has Many Rooms 玛丽·莱恩 English English 文章 个人故事 English English Unexpected jobs 2001 Tania Chatterjee and Nabnita Jit first heard about Asia Plateau, the MRA centre in Panchgani, India, whilst studying... 文章 个人故事 Unexpected jobs English English 文章 新闻项目, 意见 English English Peace-Building and Forgiveness 2001 The subject of forgiveness has climbed into newspaper headlines, political speeches and scholarly literature around the world. 文章 新闻项目, 意见 Peace-Building and Forgiveness English English 文章 新闻项目 English English Australian Conference Breaks Barriers 迈克·洛 2003 'Together we can make a world of difference' 文章 新闻项目 Australian Conference Breaks Barriers 迈克·洛 English English 查看更多(共324个)