Alben William Barkley was an American lawyer and politician from Kentucky who served in both houses of Congress and as the 35th vice president of the United States from 1949 to 1953. In 1905, he was elected county attorney for McCracken County, Kentucky. He was chosen County Judge/Executive in 1909 and U.S. representative from Kentucky's First District in 1912. As a Representative, he was a liberal Democrat, supporting President Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom domestic agenda and foreign policy.
Image above: European Premiere of "The Good Road". Senator Alben William Barkley of Kentucky, Minority Leader of the US Senate, (right) and Representative Karl E. Mundt , Chairman of the Mundt Committee, receive a cake from two of the principals at the close of the review. Miss Inga Tengsjö (Wieselgren), of Sweden and Jim McLaughry of Pennsylvania, former pilot of the US air force. The Congressman are two of the Mundt Committee visiting the MRA Assembly at Caux during their investigation of the Information Service of the State Department in Europe