
The Star

South African newspaper in Johannesburg
Potato farmer, Piet Naude has change of heart.
Present-day data about Moral Re-Armament to be found in a book by Peter Howard, "The World Rebuilt".
"It (MRA) is simply a supernatural religious movement which seeks to lead each individual back to sources of his own religion."
"Here at Caux we Germans have had to change."
Ian Smith's once 'mixed-up' son forms a remarkable friendship
Four hundred and fifty delegates of League of Nations assembly attend luncheon given to Oxford Group in Geneva.
450 League of Nations delegates meet in Geneva.
"The moral rearmament of each country was as necessary as military rearmament."
Three M.P.s and the organising secretary of the Mine Workers' Union are representing South Africa at the MRA conference, Caux.
Article in the South African paper The Star about an apology in Caux, Switzerland
'I always say you as my enemy, but now I know you are my brothers....', Nico Ferreira.
A challenge to men of all religions.
1,500 delegates from 25 nations attend conference in Washington entitled 'An ideology that can win the world.'
Moral Re-Armament World Assembly receives South African politicians.
Rhodes Scholar said, "I want to see moral rearmament principles become authority in our national life in South Africa."
"These (Peter Howard's plays) are the most intelligent plays in the world today. This is the theatre of tomorrow."
With a double bass, guitar, banjo and mandolin the Colwell brothers are drawing huge audiences in the Congo.
Caux conference has strong contingent of trades union leaders among 1,200 delegates.
Once the moral basis of society is destroyed anarchy follows.
Two ideas have come to a violent clash on this continent.


South Africa