
For A Change Magazine: Volume 15 Number 05

The Initiatives of Change's Caux conferences 2002 are featured in this issue. Highlights include articles on 'Connecting Communities', 'Renewable Arts', 'Peacebuilding initiatives' and 'Meeting challenges of Globalistion'. Also worth reading are: Ray Simpson's Reflection on listening to God, and Profile, which features South African filmmaker Jan Horn.

本期有 7 文章
The Rev Ray Simpson is Guardian of the Community of Aidan and Hilda on Lindisfarne.
Jan Horn's passions include film-making, mountaineering and the preservation of South Africa's cultures.
"People of Kashmir say that the Line of Control was not drawn on the land, it was drawn across their hearts."
In a relationship between the oppressor and the oppressed, the oppressed has a choice - revenge, or forgiveness.
Artists from all over the world came to Caux in search of inspiration, refreshment and challenge.
The author was not some foreign critic but Clyde Prestowitz, a US trade negotiator in the Reagan administration.
Straight talking is a first step towards new attitudes and policies, discover Sandy and Caz Hore-Ruthven.
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