
For A Change Magazine: Volume 4 Number 9

本期有 7 文章
'Just Do It'(En)
David Allbrook's watchword has led into famine relief, the hospice movement, the presidency of Amnesty International, Australia.
Caux Newsdesk(En)
'Democracy starts with me' was the theme of Moral Re-Armament's 1991 conference at Caux, Switzerland.
Women from around the world light a candle to launch a peace initiative with a difference.
Louise Diamond, Director of Peace Works, Washington DC, gives her impressions of the 1991 conference.
Never have more people been murdered than under such `great' leaders as Stalin, Hitler and Mao.
Men are in crisis. Atlanta high-school teacher Ed Johnson is doing something about it.
I will suggest courage as the choicest christening gift - for both infant and parents!
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