Pictures This page exists in: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filter By Title Persons in the photo Filters Creator Picture number Image Type Cartoon Landscape photo Group photo Painting Portrait photo Show all types Show less types Page Language English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Show all languages Show less languages Time Period Min Max Sort by Sort by Date added AscDate added DescDate taken AscDate taken DescTitle AscTitle Desc Created with Lunacy Grid Created with Lunacy List 25 results Group photo English English Africans and other friends greet Buchman Author unknown 1955 Group photo Africans and other friends greet Buchman Author unknown 1955 English English Group photo English English Sudanese delegation at Caux conference, meeti... Person Unknown Sudanese delegation, Joshua Mulwal Mut, Ifoghale John Amata, Buth Diu, Mohammed Saved, Sayed Mohammed Saleh Shangitti at Caux meeting Prof Theophil Spoerri, Switzerland and the Colwell Brothers, USA. Group photo Sudanese delegation meeting Prof Theophil Spo... Person Unknown English English Group photo English English Mikalayi Mission in Kasai Province, Democrati... Person Unknown 1960 Mikalayi Mission in Kasai Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Belgian Congo). Charles Piguet, Ifoghale John Amata and Bremer Hofmeyr in photo. Group photo Mikalayi Mission in Kasai Province, DRC Person Unknown 1960 English English Group photo English English Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba of the Belgian... Person Unknown 1960 Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba of the Belgian Congo (now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo) meets with Ifoghale John Amata from Nigeria. Group photo Belgian Congo Prime Minister, Patrice Lumumba Person Unknown 1960 English English Group photo English English Miklayi Mission in Democratic Republic of Con... Person Unknown 1960 Miklayi Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly known as the Belgian Congo). L-R: Charles Piguet, Ifoghale John Amata, Bremer Hofmeyr and George Molefe. Group photo Miklayi Mission Person Unknown 1960 English English Group photo English English Moral Re-Armament delegation meets President… Person Unknown 1960 Ifoghale John Amata, Nigeria, Irène Laure, France and Bremer Hofmeyr, South Africa, meet President Kasavubu of the Belgian Congo (now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo) Group photo MRA delegation meets President Kasavubu Person Unknown 1960 English English Group photo English English A scene from the film 'Freedom' Person Unknown 1957 A scene from the film 'Freedom'. L-R: Manasseh Moerane, Ifoghale John Amata, Matthew Elebusunu and Lionel Jardine. Group photo A scene from the film 'Freedom' Person Unknown 1957 English English Portrait photo English English Ifoghale John Amata, Nigeria, in the cast of… Person Unknown 1957 Ifoghale John Amata, Nigeria, in the cast of 'Freedom' Portrait photo Ifoghale John Amata, Nigeria. Person Unknown 1957 English English Group photo English English Eunice Opperman and John Amata in the roles o... Person Unknown 1957 Eunice Opperman and John Amata in the roles of Mr and Mrs Mutanda in film 'Freedom' Group photo A scene from the film 'Freedom' Person Unknown 1957 English English Group photo English English MRA force received by President Joseph Kasavu... Author unknown 1960 Reception held in the President's residence on top of Mount Stanley. Group photo MRA force received by President Joseph Kasavu... Author unknown 1960 English English Group photo English English John Amata, Philip Vundla and Bremer Hofmeyr ... Author unknown John Amata, Philip Vundla and Bremer Hofmeyr speaking at Caux conference, Switzerland. Group photo John Amata, Philip Vundla and Bremer Hofmeyr Author unknown English English Group photo English English Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba of the Democra... Author unknown 1960 Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba of the Democratic Republic of the Congo meets Nigerian John Amata, actor in the film "Freedom". Group photo Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba meets John Ama... Author unknown 1960 English English Portrait photo English English Nigerian, John Amata playing the role of Muta... 1957 Nigerian, John Amata playing the role of revolutionary leader, Mutanda in the film 'Freedom' Portrait photo John Amata 1957 English English Activity photo, Group photo English English Scene from film 'Freedom' "FREEDOM" - the first All-African full-length colour film written and acted by Africans. ‘Mutanda: "Your majesty, Mr. Roland's conduct lacks respect" the quarrel scene in the throne room”, L to R Mana... Activity photo, Group photo Scene from film 'Freedom' English English Group photo English English Richard Tegström & Ifoghale John Amata Gr... Author unknown Swedish camera man Rickard Tegström shooting a scene of the film "Freedom" in the courtyard at the Obi of Onitsha's palace, Nigeria Group photo Richard Tegström & Ifoghale John Amata Gr... Author unknown English English Group photo English English Ifoghale John Amata & Matthew Elebusunu… Author unknown 1956 Film Freedom Group photo Ifoghale John Amata & Matthew Elebusunu &... Author unknown 1956 English English Group photo English English John Ifoghale Amata & Manasse Moerane &am... Author unknown 1979 John Ifoghale Amata, Manasse Moerane, Albert Tevoedjre Group photo John Ifoghale Amata & Manasse Moerane &am... Author unknown 1979 English English Group photo English English John Ifoghale Amata & Alan Thornhill &... Author unknown 1987 Alan Thornhill (UK) with John Amata & Hugh Williams. Group photo John Ifoghale Amata & Alan Thornhill &... Author unknown 1987 English English Group photo English English Joachim von Merkatz & John Ifoghale Amata Author unknown Joachim Von Merkatz, Federal Minister of Upper Affairs brought greetings from Chancellor Adenauer with Ifogale Amata, Nigeria. Group photo Joachim von Merkatz & John Ifoghale Amata Author unknown English English Portrait photo English English Ifoghale John Amata Author unknown Ifoghale John Amata (Nigeria) Portrait photo Ifoghale John Amata Author unknown English English View More (of 25)