Pictures This page exists in: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filter By Title Persons in the photo Filters Creator Picture number Image Type Cartoon Landscape photo Group photo Painting Portrait photo Show all types Show less types Page Language English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 Show all languages Show less languages Time Period Min Max Sort by Sort by Date added AscDate added DescDate taken AscDate taken DescTitle AscTitle Desc Created with Lunacy Grid Created with Lunacy List 7 results Group photo English English Former Prime Minister of Burma with Buchman Author unknown 1959 Group photo Former Prime Minister of Burma with Buchman Author unknown 1959 English English Group photo English English Prime Minister of Burma, U Nu after seeing th... Author unknown 1955 U Nu leaving the theatre in Helsinkl where he had seen "The Vanishing Island". He had brought with him the Prime Minister of Finland, Mr Kekkonen, and foreign Minister J Virolainen. With him are two b... Group photo Prime Minister of Burma, U Nu after seeing th... Author unknown 1955 English English Activity photo English English Journey of the Vanishing Island - Finland Prime Minister U Nu, from Burma attended a performance of the musical in Helsinki. That was part of the World Mission. Activity photo Journey of the Vanishing Island - Finland English English Activity photo English English Premiere of the Crowning Experience in Burma Prime Minister U Nu and his wife arrive at theGlobe theatre to attend the premiere of "the Crowninf Experience". The premiere was attended by members of the cabinet, the chief Justice, ambassadors, an... Activity photo Premiere of the Crowning Experience in Burma English English Portrait photo English English U Nu Portrait Photo Author unknown First Prime Minister of Burma under the provisions of the 1947 Constitution of the Union of Burma, from 4 January 1948 to 12 June 1956, again from 28 February 1957 to 28 October 1958, and finally from... Portrait photo U Nu Portrait Photo Author unknown English English Group photo English English U Nu & Manasse Moerane Group Photo Author unknown With South African delegate Group photo U Nu & Manasse Moerane Group Photo Author unknown English English Portrait photo English English Rajmohan Gandhi, U Nu, Hugo Bethlem, B&W... Author unknown Rajmohan Gandhi, U Nu, PM Burma, General Bethlem Portrait photo Rajmohan Gandhi, U Nu, Hugo Bethlem, B&W... Author unknown English English