Related Material by Person This page exists in: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filter By Person name Sort by Sort by Completeness AscCompleteness DescRandom AscRandom DescTitle AscTitle Desc Created with Lunacy Grid Created with Lunacy List 29 results Talk English English Caux meeting, 05 July 1996 The Spiritual Task of Europe in the 21st century en Caux meeting, 05 July 1996 Speaker English English Article Norsk Norsk MRA og Sannheten Kommentarer til Leif Hovelsens og Audun Magnus' artikkel nb MRA og Sannheten Appearing Norsk Norsk Article Norsk Norsk Nordlys på villspor i skriveriene mot MRA Leif Hovelsen og Audun Magnus gir svar nb Nordlys på villspor i skriveriene mot MRA Appearing Norsk Norsk Article English Português English + 1 The Moral Lessons of Soviet History: the Experienc... en The Moral Lessons of Soviet History: the Experienc... Appearing English Português English + 1 Issue German German Caux Information - 2009 - 03 de Caux Information - 2009 - 03 Appearing German German Issue German German Caux Information - 1995 - 05-06 de Caux Information - 1995 - 05-06 Co-author German German Issue German German Caux Information - 1991 - 07 de Caux Information - 1991 - 07 Co-author German German Issue German German Caux Information - 1990 - 01 de Caux Information - 1990 - 01 Co-author German German Issue German German Caux Information - 1980 - 05 de Caux Information - 1980 - 05 Co-author German German Issue German German Caux Information - 1971 - 08 de Caux Information - 1971 - 08 Co-author German German Film English English Out of the Evil Night The Story of Leif Hovelsen and his search Out of the Evil Night Subject English English Publication English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 English + 11 Initiatives of Change in India - observing six dec... A short history of MRA and IofC in India en Initiatives of Change in India - observing six dec... Appearing English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 English + 11 Issue French French Changer - 1989 no. 209 Liberté intérieure , liberté politique; La force du pardon fr Changer - 1989 no. 209 Co-author French French Issue French French Tribune de Caux - 1979 no. 90 Le Cambodge et la guerre, L'Allemagne après «Holocauste», Un entretien avec I'écrivain Mihajlo Mihajlov, fr Tribune de Caux - 1979 no. 90 Co-author French French Publication English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 English + 11 Forgiveness: breaking the chain of hate (1999) ‘A deeply moving and eloquent testimony to the power of forgiveness,' Desmond Tutu Forgiveness: breaking the chain of hate (1999) Appearing English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 English + 11 Publication English Português English + 1 Regeneration in the Ruhr: The unknown story of a d... 'The unknown story of a decisive answer to Communism in post-war Europe' en Regeneration in the Ruhr: The unknown story of a d... Appearing English Português English + 1 Issue English English World Bulletin 1996 - 08 - October en World Bulletin 1996 - 08 - October Co-author English English Issue English English World Bulletin 1994 - 04 - April en World Bulletin 1994 - 04 - April Co-author English English Issue English English World Bulletin 1993 - 09 - November-December en World Bulletin 1993 - 09 - November-December Co-author English English Issue Svenska Svenska Ny värld i bild 1968 - 06 - Jun 1968 Vetenskapen - vad den är och inte är, Samerna- samvetsfråga för Norden, Det starkaste, De kastlösa-Indiens dolda kapital sv Ny värld i bild 1968 - 06 - Jun 1968 Appearing Svenska Svenska Issue Svenska Svenska Ny värld i bild 1966 - 09 - Sep 1966 I denna utgåva: Storm eller stabilitet i Afrika, Från Ollerup till USA, Är det lyx att vara hemmafru? sv Ny värld i bild 1966 - 09 - Sep 1966 Co-author Svenska Svenska Article English English Tracks in the Snow As I skied, I suddenly became aware of a big hare hopping along in the light snow... 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