Related Material by Person This page exists in: اللغة العربية Deutsch English Español Français 日本語 Norsk Nederlands Português русский Svenska 汉语 Filter By Person name Sort by Sort by Completeness AscCompleteness DescRandom AscRandom DescTitle AscTitle Desc Created with Lunacy Grid Created with Lunacy List 64 results Issue French French Tribune de Caux - 1973 no. 07 L'écoute interieure - une manière de vivre, BRESIL et PERU deux faces de l'Amerique latine, Solidarite bresilienne fr Tribune de Caux - 1973 no. 07 Co-author French French Issue English English MRA Information Service - Vol. 11 No. 273, 1962-08... POLITICAL SCHEMES ARE NO ANSWER TO ECONOMIC DEADLOCK, CONGOLESE PRESIDENT: 'THIS WORK IS OF GOD' en MRA Information Service - Vol. 11 No. 273, 1962-08... Appearing English English Issue English English MRA Information Service - Vol. 12 No. 311, 1964-01... EGYPTIAN AUTHOR ON ROLE OF WRITERS, END CLASS WAR IN CLASS ROOMS, THE UNEXPECTED FROM SOUTH AFRICA en MRA Information Service - Vol. 12 No. 311, 1964-01... Appearing English English Issue English English MRA Information Service - Vol. 14 No. 50, 1966-08-... CAUX TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY, Dockers double port Income, MILLIONAIRE IN FRIENDS en MRA Information Service - Vol. 14 No. 50, 1966-08-... Appearing English English Issue English English MRA Information Service - Vol. 16 No. 16, 1967-12-... BEIRUT PORT OFFICIALS WELCOME INDIA-BOUND BRITISH WORKERS, ETHIOPIAN AUTHORITIES BEGIN 12-MONTH CAMPAIGN, en MRA Information Service - Vol. 16 No. 16, 1967-12-... Appearing English English Issue English English MRA Information Service - Vol. 18 No. 16, 1970-01-... Philip Vundla-world revolutionary from South Africa, Students ready to work with men in Industry, Financing Asia Plateau en MRA Information Service - Vol. 18 No. 16, 1970-01-... Appearing English English Issue English English MRA Information Service - Vol. 18 No. 51, 1970-09-... Carworkers leader urges"new alternative" to strikes; Real role of women"Making husbands great and nations tick", en MRA Information Service - Vol. 18 No. 51, 1970-09-... Appearing English English Issue English English MRA Information Service - Vol. 18 No. 52, 1970-09-... Business ban would hurt black South Africans-African leaders, "The way to freedom"former Mau-Mau leader en MRA Information Service - Vol. 18 No. 52, 1970-09-... Appearing English English Issue English English New World News - Vol. 22 No. 10, 1973-12-15 An answer to ambition in the North-East of India en New World News - Vol. 22 No. 10, 1973-12-15 Co-author English English Issue English English New World News - Vol. 22 No. 12, 1974-01-12 South Africa looks to the future en New World News - Vol. 22 No. 12, 1974-01-12 Co-author English English Issue English English New World News - Vol. 22 No. 28, 1974-05-04 Innovation in Pretoria en New World News - Vol. 22 No. 28, 1974-05-04 Co-author English English Issue English English New World News - Vol. 23 No. 02, 1974-11-02 Report on conference for Moral Re-Armament at Wickham in Hampshire en New World News - Vol. 23 No. 02, 1974-11-02 Co-author English English Issue English English New World News - Vol. 31 No. 16, 1983-09-03 Partnership needed between America and Europe in order to avoid violences, inequalities and injustice in Latin America en New World News - Vol. 31 No. 16, 1983-09-03 Co-author English English Article English English 1971 interview with William Nkomo by Ian Latimer Interview with South African medical doctor and one of those who founded the African National Congress Youth League. en 1971 interview with William Nkomo by Ian Latimer Interviewee English English Issue French French Courrier d’Information - 1961-01-20 fr Courrier d’Information - 1961-01-20 Appearing French French Issue French French Tribune de Caux - 1972 no. 05 'POINT FORT' DE L'INDE, Nos objectifs sont-ils assez grands?, Les débuts d'une ferme pilote fr Tribune de Caux - 1972 no. 05 Co-author French French Issue English English MRA Information Service - Vol. 10 No. 255, 1961-11... A REVOLUTIONARY SPEAKS By P. Q. VUNDLA, RETURN TO CHILE Ravines in Santiago, DECISIVE MONTHS FOR BRITAIN en MRA Information Service - Vol. 10 No. 255, 1961-11... Co-author English English Issue French French Changer - 1980 no. 100 Un rendez-vous quotidien, Avant les élections rhodésiennes, Les racines de la démocratie fr Changer - 1980 no. 100 Co-author French French Issue French French Changer - 1984 no. 150 Un monde en marche; Caux et la mission de la Suisse; Le ressort même de votre vie; Mission en Asie; Le difficile équilibre fr Changer - 1984 no. 150 Co-author French French Publication English English Poems of Trial and Triumph The personal, human quality of these poems give them a special appeal. en Poems of Trial and Triumph Appearing English English Publication French French La guerre n'aura pas lieu Les hommes seront-ils capables de vivre ensemble d’un bout à l’autre de la planète? fr La guerre n'aura pas lieu Appearing French French Talk English English Caux meeting, 02 August 1953 Dr William Nkomo from South Africa Caux meeting, 02 August 1953 Speaker English English Talk English English Caux meeting, 10 August 1953 Wiiliam Nkmo and his wife sing Caux meeting, 10 August 1953 Speaker English English Talk English English Caux meeting, 04 June 1954 Frank Buchman's birthday incomplete incomplete Caux meeting, 04 June 1954 Performer English English Talk English English Caux meeting, 05 June 1954 William Nkomo. Representatives of Shah, Iran. Caux meeting, 05 June 1954 Speaker English English Talk English English Caux meeting, 13 July 1955 William Nkomo, Colwell brothers Caux meeting, 13 July 1955 Performer English English Talk English English Caux meeting, 01 October 1953 Dr William Nkomo from South Africa Caux meeting, 01 October 1953 Speaker English English Issue German German Caux Information - 1970 - 18 de Caux Information - 1970 - 18 Appearing German German Issue German German Caux Information - 1970 - 19 de Caux Information - 1970 - 19 Appearing German German Issue German German Caux Information - 2005 - 01 de Caux Information - 2005 - 01 Speaker German German Article English English Dark Age Seems to be Dawning Race Institute told Dr W.F. Nkomo, member of executive committee of South African Institute of Race Relations speaks out. en Dark Age Seems to be Dawning Race Institute told Speaker English English Publication English English Freedom A colour leaflet/brochure/flyer for the film "Freedom" en Freedom Appearing English English Publication English Português English + 1 Fresh hope for the world 'Only a change in men’s own motives and living can bring hope for a truly peaceful co-operation between the nations.’ en Fresh hope for the world Subject English Português English + 1 Publication English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 English + 11 Report on Moral Re-Armament A compilation of texts on MRA, from media, Christian ministers etc. en Report on Moral Re-Armament Appearing English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 English + 11 Publication English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 English + 11 Fresh hope for the world From the intimate to the modal", a key phrase coined by the existentialist philosopher Gabriel Marcel. en Fresh hope for the world Appearing English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 English + 11 Publication English Português English + 1 Listen My Country An autobiography from Papua New Guinea en Listen My Country Appearing English Português English + 1 Publication English Español Português English + 2 Now I Call Him Brother Rhodesia's transition to Zimbabwe, through the eyes of a privileged actor in the process. en Now I Call Him Brother Subject English Español Português English + 2 Publication English French Norsk English + 2 Beyond violence A true story of hurt, hate and hope, from Kenya and South Africa en Beyond violence Appearing English French Norsk English + 2 Publication English English Bremer Hofmeyr's story Bremer Hofmeyr's story, written by Agnes Hofmeyr en Bremer Hofmeyr's story Subject English English Publication English Português English + 1 The whole round earth to span A history of Moral Re-Armament in New Zealand from 1932-1998. en The whole round earth to span Appearing English Português English + 1 Publication English English The worldwide legacy of Frank Buchman A look at the life and work of Frank N. D. Buchman. en The worldwide legacy of Frank Buchman Co-author English English Publication English English Reaching for a new world A history of Initiatives of Change in The Netherlands. en Reaching for a new world Appearing English English Publication French French Eveilleurs de conscience 'Ils ont changé ma vie': des rencontres avec Robert Schuman, Frank Buchman, Frère Roger de Taizé.. fr Eveilleurs de conscience Appearing French French Publication French French L'avenir était au-delà des vagues L’histoire des relations entre l’Église Catholique Romaine et Caux et le Réarmement moral, par un des acteurs. fr L'avenir était au-delà des vagues Appearing French French Publication English English A Life in C Major A South African autobiography en A Life in C Major Appearing English English Publication Svenska Svenska Frank Buchmans Hemlighet Det fanns en hemlighet i Frank Buchmans liv. Nu måste världen få veta den. sv Frank Buchmans Hemlighet Appearing Svenska Svenska Publication English English Freedom for Africa -1960: Encounters with a contin... By 1960, the wind of change was blowing strong through-out Africa. en Freedom for Africa -1960: Encounters with a contin... Appearing English English Publication English Português English + 1 Nå kaller jeg ham bror Alec bad Gud om å bruke ham som et redskap for forsoning og fred. en Nå kaller jeg ham bror Subject English Português English + 1 Publication English اللغة العربية русский English + 2 Remaking the World : The speeches of F.N.D. Buchma... The largest collection of Frank Buchman's speeches. en Remaking the World : The speeches of F.N.D. Buchma... Appearing English اللغة العربية русский English + 2 Film English Español اللغة العربية French Português English + 4 A man for all people The story of Dr. William Nkomo A man for all people Collaborator English Español اللغة العربية French Português English + 4 Film English English African Tale Stories of an MRA team travelling in Africa African Tale Performer English English Film English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 English + 11 Crossroad, the story of Frank Buchman Multimedia biography of Frank Buchman Crossroad, the story of Frank Buchman Performer English Español 汉语 اللغة العربية French German русский Português Nederlands Svenska Norsk 日本語 English + 11 Film English English March to Victory (Journey with the play "The Drago... MRA force with "The Dragon", Switzerland March to Victory (Journey with the play "The Drago... Appearing English English Film English English Voices of Westminster Assembly for the moral re-armament of the nations Voices of Westminster Appearing English English Film Svenska Svenska En man utan fruktan och partiskhet En film om Dr. William Nkomo En man utan fruktan och partiskhet Subject Svenska Svenska Issue English English New World News - Vol. 21 No. 25, 1973-03-31 William Nkomo, a man for all people en New World News - Vol. 21 No. 25, 1973-03-31 Subject English English Issue Svenska Svenska MRA Information 3/3 11 februari 1955 Nordisk och Internationellt, Mänsklighetens bästa hopp för varaktig fred, Svenska biskopar talesmän i London sv MRA Information 3/3 11 februari 1955 Subject Svenska Svenska Article English Español French Português English + 3 Turning Points and Stepping Stones What a journey it has been! Turning Points and Stepping Stones Appearing English Español French Português English + 3 Music English Español Svenska English + 2 "The Old rugged cross" with Dr William Nkomo "The old rugged cross" with William Nkomo "The Old rugged cross" with Dr William Nkomo Performer English Español Svenska English + 2 Issue Svenska Svenska Ny värld i bild 1972 - 04 - Apr 1972 Personligheten, Den lyssnande människan, Hon återskapar tystnaden sv Ny värld i bild 1972 - 04 - Apr 1972 Co-author Svenska Svenska Issue Svenska Svenska Ny värld i bild 1973 - 07-8 - Jul 1973 En man utan fruktan och partiskhet, "Ett hem är mer än vi vanligen tänker på", Birgitta och vi sv Ny värld i bild 1973 - 07-8 - Jul 1973 Co-author Svenska Svenska Publication English Español Português English + 2 My Journey Through Family Betrayal A virtuosic odyssey into one man’s purgatory for redemption from the political sins of his grandfather. en My Journey Through Family Betrayal Appearing English Español Português English + 2 Publication Svenska Svenska Amerika Behöver en Ideologi Vi behöver en ideologi som är stor nog att ena människor ovan ras, hudfärg, klass sv Amerika Behöver en Ideologi Appearing Svenska Svenska Publication French French Liberté Le script/dialogues du film du même nom. fr Liberté Co-author French French