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South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

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The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.

Physical copies available in this location

A world radio and television broadcast for the opening of the Summit Conference
A memoir of Arthur Kanodereka
Tyrants are blinded by their own self-magnification.
An experiment in faith
The need is for goodwill, not only between nation and nation but between man and man, in countries, homes and in lives of people
Bloodshed and violence are no answer for Africa.
A call for a change for the better in race relations was made by the Governor Sir Gilbert Rennie.
A historical inter-racial Moral Re-Armament conference took place in the Cathedral of Grahamstown, South Africa
Teach nothing but essentials Church has always taught, is contention.
Johannesburg Mayor, Mr H. Allen, hosts large Moral Re-Armament meeting in City Hall.
Testimony in a strange atmosphere.
The Bishop of Calcutta (now called Kolkata) and Metropolitan in India, Dr Foss Westcott, presided at Westminster meeting.
'I went to a house party. I experienced and saw unmistakable signs of the presence of the Spirit of God.'
Two-day Oxford Group gathering takes place at Warren Memorial Presbyterian Church after capacity gathering in hotel.
Two-day Oxford gathering took place at Warren Memorial Presbyterian Church after capacity meeting at Brown Hotel, London.
Members of the Oxford Group, testifying to the healing power of God, have come to Ottawa with joyful news.
In 1947 Group-Captain Patrick Foss piloted a single-engined Percival Proctor aircraft to South Africa together with two friends.


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