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South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

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The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.

Physical copies available in this location

Hate breeds hate but "amore omnia vincit" (Love conquers all things).
Four "headaches" in Moscow - one of these is the movement of moral re-armament.
One thousand delegates from 42 countries, including Japan, Korea, Burma and Iran, attended conference at Mackinac Island, USA.
"If this crowd were given the green light to go ahead there is no problem in industry that could not be solved."
Mineworker's Union Secretary said, "Moral Re-Armament has provided the common ground for people of all points of view in S. A."
Full-time workers Visit City: Touring Union with industrial drama "The Forgotten Factor".
Constructiveness of an answer to the present chaos.
God must be brought into industrial disputes.
The strength of Moral Re-Armament lies in the sincerity and enthusiasm of its members.
Government Mining Engineer, Mr D. G. Malherbe welcomes seventeen overseas MRA workers in Johannesburg.
Transvaal Administrator, General J J Pienaar said "Moral Re-Armament is what was needed."
The flags of both India and Pakistan flew above Mountain House at Caux, Switzerland.
Veteran leaders broadcast from Hollywood Bowl.
Increasing interest was being taken in Moral Rearmament in South African political circles.
The report talks about M.R.A.'s secret finances. There is no secrecy. Audited accounts are lodged annually.
The complexity of life today seems greatly due to man's overbearing pride in his brain.
Kenyan farmer says, 'The way to get the farm right is to get the farmer right.'
'The Forgotten Factor' play is a most forceful and impressive application of the lesson.


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