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South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

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The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.

Physical copies available in this location

Oxford Don, Alan Thornhill, has written a play that is attracting thousands of people worldwide.
Thirteen Africans and one European appear in play "Dictator's Slippers' in Durban, South Africa.
A play well produced is like heavy bombardment.
One thing is for sure, if the aim is like the appearance and performance of these young people, this must at heart be good.
Keynote of the play is the phylosophy that progress towards peace can be gained by saying 'I'm sorry'.
Wherever strife exists, peace can be gained by saying 'sorry'.
Not a single strike for a year resulted in 24,000 Pounds Sterling in union fees being collected, three times the previous year.
H. W. "Bunny" Austin accused all-England lawn tennis club at Wimbledon of discrimination.
Three M.P.s and the organising secretary of the Mine Workers' Union are representing South Africa at the MRA conference, Caux.
From the darkness of tragedy to forgiveness and light.
'I always say you as my enemy, but now I know you are my brothers....', Nico Ferreira.
'Sing Out Rhodesia' perform at Chaplin, Gwelo, the Prime Minister's old school.
Springbok Stampede has audience tapping their feet and clapping their hands.
The Afrikaans Press protests against visit of Dr Frank Buchman on grounds that Moral Rearmament does not recognize colour bar.
MRA is outward-looking, directed towards the unbelieving world. Peter Howard.
Life was bubbly with these people. It interested you, and you asked, why?


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