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South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

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The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.

Physical copies available in this location

Tomorrow a healed South Africa will help to heal the world.
The Oxford Group is capturing the lost radiance of the Christian religion.
Solve the problems of man and the solving of other problems will follow, said Dr Elliott Gabellah, African National Council.
Poems through over 50 years, from personal to post World War II
A compilation of stories of various people involved in industry in India
Two ideas have come to a violent clash on this continent.
The "Dictator's Slippers" is a Moral Rearmament play which revolves around a conference of world power delegates.
"The South African Adventure - A Miracle Working God Abroad"
A wide cross section of society, including many clergy, attend Oxford Group meeting in Central Hall, Westminster.
Student conference, Somerville College, Oxford
An address by Peter Howard at the invitation of Commonwealth Challenge
South Africa, a sounding-board of the answer
A talk by Dr Paul S. Campbell at 45 Berkeley Square, London, November, 1967
Impression of the Oxford Group movement by Foss Calcutta, son of Bishop Foss Westcott
We are now fighting a greater War than any since the world began. It is not nation against nation, but chaos against God.


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