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South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

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The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.

Physical copies available in this location

Real peace will not survive without true reconciliation. And true reconciliation can only begin with sincere apology.
Thousands of black and white Rhodesian women present peace partician to British Chairperson of Geneva conference.
One thousand, two hundred people from 32 countries including representatives from 13 parliaments attend international conference
Parliamentary representation from Africa and India plus industrial delegations from many countries at Caux conference.
Vice President of Mineworkers' Union in South Africa praised Moral Re-Armament for beneficial changes in gold mining industry.
An important memoir of Buchman, written by a close colleague.
South Africans meet Peter Howard and Head of Christian Democratic Party in Berlin City Council at conference in Switzerland.
Deputy Prime Minister hears Vice President of African National Council and Alec Smith, son of Rhodesian Prime Minister, speak.
Sixty Rhodesian youth present 'Sing Out Rhodesia' at the Kimberley theatre, South Africa
Rapt attention was accorded each speaker
6,000 people from 71 nations attend world conference in Switzerland.
The Black and White Book contains advice to school children and young people about 'The world we live in and how to change it.'
Whole families travelled from all over Britain and as far afield as Germany, in order to be present at meeting.
Psychologist and guidance counseller, Dr Adriaan Smuts, addressed Springbok Stampede on subject 'Our role in tomorrow's Africa.'
South African farmer apologizes to his workers.
Paul Gundersen's book about a remarkable Russian.


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