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South African archives

The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

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The archives of MRA/IofC in South Africa are housed in Pretoria.

For more information please email Pieter and Meryl Horn.

Physical copies available in this location

Retired Vice-Admiral of the British Navy and former Communist leader addresses the People's Forum in Rialto theatre in Ottawa.
Chief Albert Luthuli, former President of the African National Congress, speaking to a group of MRA visitors in South Africa.
Kenyan Chief Jonathan Barbasa says: "People are looking for an answer. If they don't get the right one they take the wrong one."
Frank Buchman and a group of Oxford Groupers at a house party in New York State, USA.
I should like myself to see more explicit emphasis on the idea of Jesus - the Kingdom of God on the earth.
Rev Hector Paterson wrote that much more ought to be done to get in touch with those who had no church connection.
'Real and Live Force,' says Mayor in Cape Town.
'We want industry to help in conquering rival ideologies by presenting to the world a smooth-running, spirited Democracy.'
Half a dozen young Oxford and Cambridge men spoke briefly, simply and bravely.
MRA film shown at festival which was officially opened by Mayor of Durban.
The influence of a play called 'The Forgotten Factor.'
Not a single strike of mineworkers.
An opportunity at conference to find common ground on which South Africans can meet in better mutual understanding.
'There is a greater feeling of comradeship in my office between the staff and myself,' said Councillor H. Cunningham, Sheffield.
The South African Broadcasting Corporation reported: 'Moral Re-Armament is to launch biggest ideological offensive in Africa'
A forum hosted by MRA Intiatives of Change, Agenda for Reconciliation, Hope in the Cities and The Faith and Politics Institute


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